Today at Berkeley Lab graphic
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Calendar header graphic


10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
TSC Telephone Coordinator Training
Building 50 Auditorium

4 p.m.
Life Sciences Division
Priscilla Cooper, Cell and Molecular Biology
Building 66 Auditorium


10 a.m.
Storage Grid: Grid Services Between Storage Subsystems On Storage Wide Area Networks
Geoff Hayward, YottaYotta Inc.
Edmonton, Alberta
Building 2, Room 100

3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Computation of NEXAFS/XES Spectra of Free and Adsorbed Molecules using Quantum Chemical Tools

Klaus Hermann
ALS Conference Room 6-2202

4:10 p.m.
1st Hitchcock Lecture
The Synthesis of Molecules in the Universe
Alexander Dalgarno, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
International House auditorium

4:30 p.m.
Weber Group
Dr. Andreas J. Heinrich, IBM Almaden
The Science and Applications of Molecule Cascades
Building 66 Auditorium

Cafeteria header graphic

Soup: Minestrone w/ Polenta
Origins: Baked Honey Ham
Adobe Cafe: Taco Salad
Fresh Grille: New York Style Reuben Sandwich

Full Menu

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A slight chance of morning showers...then decreasing clouds.

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Extended Forecast

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In the News header graphic
Berkeley Lab Life Scientists Co-author
Book on Misconceptions About Cancer

By Sandy Smith

Health image  

Do common misconceptions about the causes of cancer distract from efforts to improve public health through increasing scientific understanding about how to prevent the disease and by increasing public education of how lifestyle influences health? A new book, Misconceptions About the Causes of Cancer, by Life Science Division scientists Lois Gold, Neela Manley, and Bruce Ames answers this question. (2/20/03) Full Story.

Laser Focus World banner

One Surface Melds
Two Diffractive Elements
By Sunny Bains

A Fourier optical technique has been developed to improve the optical performance of diffractive optical elements at short wavelengths. The new method, developed by a team at Berkeley Lab has allowed researchers to produce two off-axis first-order foci for extreme-ultraviolet interferometry using a single optical element. Full Story.

Image of Blackberry Canyon steps
Blackberry Canyon Stairway

Blackberry Steps
Get Modern Facelift

After months of being cordoned off due to their dilapidated state, the Blackberry Canyon steps opened to pedestrians last week. The new steps still offer a beautiful view, but now feature custom steel handrails with stainless steel cables, pressure treated wood stair treads, and safety lighting. They rise from Parking Lot F at Cyclotron Road to just below the Blackberry Canyon Gate. Richard Stanton of the Facilities Department was the project manager.

Announcements header graphic

Job Referral Program
Gets DOE Approval

The Department of Energy has approved Berkeley Lab’s Employee Referral Incentive Program (ERIP), in which those who advance the names of eventually successful hires can earn a $1,000 bonus. The program’s pilot resulted in 65 hires from a pool of more than 800 referrals. To make an employee referral, complete an ERIP form, which can be found here, and send it with a resume to [email protected] or via lab mail to MS937-600.

CAS 150th anniversary logo

of Sciences
150th Year

California Academy of Sciences will unveil a special exhibit next month celebrating the institution’s 150th anniversary in San Francisco. The exhibit will kick off a year of festivities at the science museum in Golden Gate Park. Renowned for its hands-on approach to teaching science, the academy is one of the most popular educational centers in the Bay Area. (2/18/03) Full Story.

Road closed image

Road Closure

Road N next to Buildings 6 and 37 will be closed to traffic (except emergency vehicles) today due to construction activities for the Building 6 Southside Expansion project. Traffic to the Building 80 parking lot will be rerouted to Road N1. Parking spaces along Road N1 will be barricaded to allow two-way traffic.

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