Earth Sciences Division
Testing an Integrated Hydrology Model
Joel VanderKwaak
Building 90-4133
11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m.
CSEE Education Outreach Meeting
Perseverance Hall
4 p.m.
Life Sciences Division Distinguished Lecturer
Recent Duplication and Dynamic Evolution of the Human
Evan Eichler, Case Western Reserve University
Lab-wide PA System Test
Building Manager Radio Test
Lab's Amateur Emergency Radio Net Check
3 p.m.
Physical Biosciences
Visualizing Molecular Machines, Or How To See Big,
Little Things
Eva Nogales
Calvin Lab Seminar Room Refreshments will be served
Off For Computer Recharges On Thursday
Computing Infrastructure Support (CIS) Department will
now cut off computer support recharges on the 20th of
the month. If the 20th falls on a holiday or weekend,
the cutoff will be at the close of business the prior
workday. In order to avoid storage charges, all IMAP files
should be cleared of excess megabytes by Thursday. Recharges
accumulate for all IMAP storage that exceeds 100 megabytes.
Tomato Florentine
Origins: Roast Turkey Breast
Adobe Cafe: Taco Salad
Fresh Grille: Hot Pastrami &
Mostly sunny

Science Director
Cites SNAP in Talk
of Science Director Ray Orbach mentioned Berkeley Lab's proposed space
satellite, the SuperNova Acceleration Probe (SNAP), as one of the
key tools to solving the mystery of "dark energy" in his
plenary address at the American Association for the Advancement of
Science annual meeting last Friday. More than 1,000 conferees attended
the talk, entitled "Genesis: Science and the Beginning of Time,"
and each received a copy of the new Lab-created "History and
Fate of the Universe" chart. The speech can be read here. |
to Launch Service
To Help Identify Spam
tomorrow, the Lab will deploy a new service to help employees
manage unwanted email, or spam. The service, called Brightmail,
automatically scans every message sent to an "@lbl.gov"
email address. Messages that match the selection criteria
for spam will be labeled or tagged, but not deleted. Tagged
messages will have the words "[SUSPECTED SPAM]"
inserted in the subject line. Read
more about how to get the most from this service.
From Lab to Speak
In Silicon Valley
premier networking event between university and industry researchers,
"Berkeley in Silicon Valley," held March 1 at the Sun
Conference Center in Santa Clara, will feature four speakers from
Berkeley Lab. From MSD, Arup Chakraborty (Cellular Communication
In Our Immune System) and Jean Frechet (New Macromolecules
For Better Health) will be presenting in the Medical Breakthroughs
session. In the Environmental Insights session, Lisa Alvarez-Cohen
of EETD (Hope For Mother Earth) and Kristie Boering
of ESD (Atmospheric Chemistry And Climate Change) will present.
There will also be a session on Homeland Security and Privacy. The
event is open to the public and sponsored by the UC Berkeley Colleges
of Chemistry and Engineering.
Files Suit Against
WorldCom In State Court
University of California filed a complaint last week on its behalf
under California securities fraud law in California Superior Court
against Salomon Smith Barney, Citigroup Inc. and Arthur Andersen LLP,
accusing them of being involved in the staggering financial collapse
of WorldCom Inc. "Our WorldCom losses, while substantial, represented
only 0.7 percent of total funds under management," said David H. Russ,
the university's treasurer. "As a result, the loss will not affect
the retirement benefits provided to UC retirees nor the endowment's
support of the university's academic mission."
Story. |