9 a.m.
EHS 400
Radiation Protection-Fundamentals
Bldg. 51-201
An Australian Perspective on Distributed Energy Resources
Hugh Outhred, U. of New South Wales
Bldg. 90-3075
2 p.m.
EHS 123
Adult Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
Bldg. 48-109
4 p.m.
Physics Division
MiniBooNE Status: The First Year of Operation
R. Van de Water, LANL
Bldg. 70-191
8 a.m.
EHS 432
Radiation Protection-Lab Safety
Bldg. 51-201
10:30 a.m.
Beam Physics
5 MeV Linear Accelerator of Electrons With Up to 300
Electron Beam Power for Industrial Applications
Vadim Auslender, BINP
Bldg. 71-264
11 a.m.
ASD Academy
The Promise of Nanoscience at the Molecular Foundry
Paul Alivisatos
Bldg. 66 Auditorium
1 p.m.
Cosmological Defect Simulations Using AMR
Bldg. 50F-1647
Market Carvery: Spaghetti with Meatballs,
Salad & Cheese Toast
Fresh Grille: BBQ Pork Sandwich with
Menutainment: Calimari Steak Piccatta
with Fettucini Alfredo
Dinner: Choice of Roasted BBQ Chicken;
Spaghetti with Meatballs, Salad & Cheese Toast; or Calamari
Steak Piccatta with Fettucini Alfredo
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Dinner: |
- 7 p.m. |
49 Project
Passes Major Hurdle
Lab's proposed new research office building, named
Building 49, passed a major milestone yesterday
when the University of California's Board of Regents
approved its design and environmental assessment
submitted by the Lab. Deputy Director Sally
Benson and Architect Danica Truchlikova
gave most of the presentation to the Regents'
Committee on Grounds and Buildings at the UC Office
of the President in Oakland. Also on hand were
Facilities representatives Laura Chen,
Dave Tudor, Rich McClure and Jeff
Philliber, and TEID graphics specialist Robert
Couto. The Lab hopes to break ground on the
six-story, 65,000-square-foot project, to be constructed
south of Cyclotron Road just inside the Blackberry
Gate entrance, early in 2004, for occupation in

on Mars OK
For Visits, Study Says Humans
could survive an extended visit to Mars without
dying of radiation exposure, a study of the cosmic
rays bombarding the Red Planet has found. Astronauts
should in the future be able to shield themselves
from cosmic radiation without significant increases
in the risk of cancer and other radiation-induced
diseases, according to scientists, including Berkeley
Lab life scientist Cary Zeitlin.
for December
Paycheck Pick-Up
employees who don’t have electronic deposit
may pick up their December paychecks from 10 a.m.
to noon in Building 69-102, on Friday, Dec. 26,
for bi-weekly-paid employees, and on Wednesday,
Dec. 31 for monthly-paid employees. Photo ID will
be required. Paychecks not picked up will be mailed
to Lab offices for receipt on Jan. 2. Direct bank
deposit advice forms will be mailed on Dec. 23,
though some employees may not receive them before
the holiday shutdown. To view your paycheck data
online after Monday, Dec 22, go here.
Due Tomorrow
is the deadline for turning in Special Needs memos
requesting monitoring of experiments over the
holiday break. Go here
to get a copy of the form.

Price Receives
APS Fellowship
Price |
Price — a scientist with the Environmental
Energy Technologies Division’s Indoor Environment
group — has been elected a fellow of the American
Physical Society. The fellowship program was created
to recognize members who’ve made advances
in knowledge through original research and publication
or made significant and innovative contributions
in the application of physics to science and technology.
Price was cited "for his outstanding work to
develop predictive maps of indoor radon, perform
real-time computed tomography of tracer gas plumes,
and public outreach for protecting building occupants
from chemical and biological agents." Go here
to learn more about the fellowship and to see a
complete list of new fellows.
Provides Clues
to Foiling Cyber Attacks
their cues from Mother Nature and biodiversity,
computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University
and the University of New Mexico are collaborating
on a National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported
project to study "cyber-diversity" for
computer systems as a way to fend off malicious
viruses, worms and other cyber attacks. In nature,
diseases are most devastating when an infection-causing
organism encounters a "monoculture." Computer
viruses and worms exploit the same flaw on every
computer running the same software. Full
story.  |
on Stopping
Unsafe Work Activities
Lab employees, contractors, and participating guests
are responsible for stopping work activities considered
to be an imminent danger, which is defined as any
conditions or practices that could reasonably be
expected to cause death, serious injury, or environmental
harm. Stopping unsafe work applies to all activities
conducted at the Lab and off-site facilities operated
by Lab personnel, except locations and personnel
under the jurisdiction of the Memorandum of Understanding
Between UCB and LBNL Concerning Environment, Health
and Safety Policies and Procedures (Appendix VI,
Policy on Authority for Stopping Unsafe Work at
the University of California at Berkeley). Go here
to review the policy's complete text.