8 a.m.
Radiation Protection-Lab Safety
1 p.m.
EECS Seminar
Room Temperature Synthesized Silicon Nanowires and Carbon
L. Lin, UCB
521 Cory Hall
4 p.m.
College of Chemistry
Metabolic Engineering of Bacteria for Production of Terpenoids
Jay Keasling, UCB
120 Latimer Hall
Market Carvery: Moroccan Chicken with
Cous Cous & Vegetable
Fresh Grille: Atlantic Salmon with
Green Goddess Dressing
Menutainment: Viva La Burrito Chicken
or Vegetarian
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
with (above) and without (below) water bound to
the surface. |
Nanometer-Sized Particles Change
Crystal Structure When Wet
scientists shrink materials down to the nanometer scale,
creating nanodots, nanoparticles, nanorods and nanotubes
a few tens of atoms across, they've found weird and
puzzling behaviors that have fired their imaginations
and promised many unforeseen applications. UC Berkeley
scientists including Lab researchers Hengzhong
Zhang and Jillian Banfield have found
another unusual effect that could have both good and
bad implications for semiconductor devices once they've
been shrunk to the nanometer scale. Click here
to read Robert Sander's UC Berkeley press release. |
Trees Cool
Texas Neighborhood
Mike Lee
of the Home Town neighborhood wanted to provide not
only a focal point for the city of North Richland Hills,
but to also use natural shade, street layout and other
features to reduce outdoor temperatures by as much as
five degrees. They were assisted in this endeavor by
Berkeley Labs Hashem Akbari. Full
story. |
is King in Midwest
Julie Hirschfeld Davis The
ethanol plant in Marcus, Iowa has brought money and
hope to corn farmers here, but some researchers say
ethanol takes up to a third more energy to produce than
it provides as a gasoline additive, and has only two-thirds
the energy content of gasoline. "Its good
for a small group of people who stand to benefit multibillions
of dollars, but it's a huge loss to everyone else,"
said Berkeley Labs Tad Patzek. Full
story. |
Closure Road
N next to buildings 6 and 37 will be closed to traffic
(except emergency vehicles) today, due to construction
activities for the ALS user space project. Traffic to
the building 80 parking lot will be rerouted to Road
N1. Parking spaces along Road N1 will be barricaded
to allow two-way traffic. Pedestrian traffic will not
be allowed through the work area. |
is a Holiday
Lab will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Monday,
Sept. 1. "Today at Berkeley Lab" will resume
publication on Tuesday, Sept. 2. Have a pleasant and
safe three-day weekend. |