Research Update: TEAM 0.5 Opens For Business Today
In 2004 the Department of Energy approved development of the revolutionary new Transmission Electron Aberration-corrected Microscope, TEAM, by a collaboration headed by Uli Dahmen of Berkeley Lab’s National Center for Electron Microscopy. DOE recently signed off on the project’s penultimate Critical Decision, and today the world’s most powerful electron microscope, TEAM 0.5, officially opens its doors to the user community. Next year’s TEAM 1, with additional corrections and the ability to freely manipulate samples under the beam, promises even more spectacular results. Go here for a photo of the Project Team.
Award: Wall St. Journal Gives PhyloChip Technology Bronze Medal
Among the winners of the Wall Street Journal's 2008 Technology Innovation Awards is the PhyloChip developed at Berkeley Lab. The DNA application that speeds the identification of harmful bacteria received a bronze medal overall and won the environment category of the awards. More>
People: Administrator Wins Runaround T-Shirt Contest
Inspired by the Lab’s energy-research efforts, Linda Matyas used Illustrator software to create this year’s winning design for the Runaround t-shirt (click image for larger version). “I tried to show the combination of solar and green energy,” she says. Matyas has been at the Lab for seven years, the last five as the senior administrator for the Chief Operating Officer. Matyas likes the Runaround because “it’s a good walk-and-talk event…it gets people out exercising and provides a great chance to catch-up with folks I haven’t seen in a while.” This year’s event will be held Friday, Oct. 10 at noon at the Firehouse.
People: EETD’s McKane to Help Develop ISO Energy Standards
Aimee McKane of Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technology Division is the vice chair of a new International Standards Organization project committee, which will develop an ISO standard on energy management. McKane proposed the idea of an international standard in 2007. The ISO will establish a framework for industrial plants, commercial facilities, and entire organizations to manage energy. Targeting broad applicability across national economic sectors, the standard could influence up to 60 percent of the world’s energy use. More>
Health Note: Lab Offers Low-Cost Flu Shot Clinics For Lab Employees
The Lab’s Health Services Department will again offer flu shots for employees. Clinics will be held on Thursday, Oct. 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Joint Genome Institute (Bldg. 310-350); Friday, Oct. 17 and 24 from 8 a.m. to noon in Bldg. 26; Wednesday, Oct. 29 from 8 a.m. to noon in Bldg. 937’s first-floor conference room; and Friday, Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon in the NERSC conference room. A flu shot is $10 and a pneumonia shot is $45. Call x6266 for an appointment.
Training: Foreign-Visits Class Required for Supervisors, HR and Administrative Staff
Hosting Foreign Nationals (SEC0500) and Foreign Visits and Assignments (SEC0501) are online courses covering Department of Energy requirements for foreign national access. Starting today, they will become mandatory requirements for supervisors (SEC0500) and HR/administrative staff (SEC0501). To access SEC0500 go here. To access SEC0501 go here. Go here for more information, or contact Maki Tabata (x7572).
Safety: Chemical Hygiene and Safety Refresher Training Requirement
The Chemical Hygiene and Safety Training (EHS0348) now requires a refresher class (Chemical Hygiene and Safety Refresher Training: EHS0353) every three years. EHS0353 is required for anyone who has taken EHS0348 as required training before Oct. 1, 2005. If EHS0348 was taken as recommended training, the refresher course is not required. This training provides information on the hazards and controls associated with chemicals. Go here to access the refresher course.