Courses on Foreign National Access Required for Supervisors, Human Resources Staff, and Administrative Staff
The Foreign Visits & Assignments Office in collaboration with the EH&S Training Program launched two new online courses related to DOE foreign national access requirements in August 2008. The courses are linked to the new Job Hazards Analysis program and will appear as “Required” courses on targeted training profiles beginning October 1, 2008. The courses include information on the recent policy change:
Visitors (not badged; not working or conducting research): No DOE approval is required for visitors from terrorist-sponsoring countries for short-term visits such as tours, meetings, workshop/conferences, job interviews, etc.
Employees, Guests, Subcontractors (badged; working or conducting research): Foreign nationals from terrorist-sponsoring countries who plan to work or conduct research at LBNL for any length of time must be approved by the DOE Under Secretary for Science PRIOR to LBNL access. The approval process may take 4-6 months or more so early notification to the Foreign Visits & Assignments Office is essential.
* Host Training: All Lab Supervisors will be required to take the course entitled, SEC0500, Hosting Foreign Nationals, covering basic DOE requirements for foreign visits and assignments as well as information on export control and counterintelligence. A short quiz at the end of the 15-minute course must be completed to receive course credit.
* HR/Administrative Training: A similar course (SEC0501, Foreign Visits and Assignments), with additional details on DOE requirements for employee hires and guest processing, will be required for all Human Resources and administrative staff and recommended for Division Business Managers. A short quiz at the end of this 20-30 minute course must be completed to receive course credit.
Go here for information on DOE requirements and the Lab's Foreign Visits & Assignments (FVA) Program or contact Maki Tabata, FVA Administrator (x7572).