Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009


No Adverse Affect on Property Value With Wind Facility Nearby

Wind Facility

Over 30,000 megawatts of wind energy capacity are installed across the United States and an increasing number of communities are considering new wind power facilities. Given these developments, there is an urgent need to empirically investigate typical community concerns about wind energy and thereby provide stakeholders involved in the wind project siting process a common base of knowledge. A major new report released today by Berkeley Lab evaluates one of those concerns, and finds that proximity to wind energy facilities does not have a pervasive or widespread adverse effect on the property values of nearby homes. More>

Special Event: Lab Holiday Party at 3 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 10

candlesAll employees are invited to join together in the Cafeteria from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10, to celebrate the holiday season with desserts, beverages and door prizes. Director Paul Alivisatos will address the gathering at approximately 4 p.m. Staff are reminded that the Lab is conducting a collection drive for the Alameda County Community Food Bank. Barrels are located in the Cafeteria lobby for non-perishable food donations.

Education Outreach: Workshop Helps Staff Present Electricity Lesson to Local 4th Graders

electricityEmployees interested in providing a hands-on exploration of electricity to local 4th grade students are invited to attend a workshop on how to make this type of presentation. The Lab’s Center for Science and Engineering Education (CSEE) will host a session on Monday, Dec. 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Building 7-211, with lunch provided. Another workshop on the biology of eggs for preschoolers takes place Monday, Dec. 14, same time and location. These workshops are part of a series on various scientific concepts, sponsored by CSEE's Berkeley Lab in School Settings (BLISS) program. Registration is required.

cameraIn The News: The Nerd Oscars — What Scientists Create When Not in the Lab

[San Francisco Magazine] This past October, one of the world’s least known film festivals showed off some of the flicks least likely to take home a coveted golden statue. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory — home to roughly 4,000 geeks and an X-ray beam a billion times brighter than the sun — hosted its second annual NanoFest: The Nano-Science Film Festival. About 100 people showed up to see 10 films, all less than five minutes long. There were no rules for entry, no experience was required, and talent was optional—although the results were consistently entertaining. More>

light bulbFacilities: Help the Lab Save Energy During Holiday Shutdown

This year’s holiday shutdown will start at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 23, and continue through Monday, Jan 4. The shutdown offers significant opportunities for saving energy. Before leaving for the break, staff are asked to set back thermostats and turn off nonessential lighting and equipment. Those who will be here during the shutdown should be aware that a minimum work force will be on hand to continue essential functions, such as safety, mail, and plant operations. More>

Construction: Underground Utilities Work Affects Centennial Drive

Underground utilities work on Centennial Drive near Rimway Road from will impact vehicle traffic on Centennial. From approximately 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays through Dec. 16, one lane of the road will be closed and the other will be shared alternately by west- and east-bound vehicles. Those traveling in this area should use caution and follow directions from flaggers and posted signage.

Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Group