Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

In Memoriam

This page contains links to obituaries of LBNL staff published online by either LBNL or University of California (UC) (for those individuals with joint appointments).  A number of the following obituaries will contain links to additional information about the subject individual.  If you know of additional Lab obituaries published online by LBNL or UC, please contact the LBNL Library at [email protected] so we can add them to this page.

Ahn, Joonhong, Earth and Environmental Sciences Area.  For additional information, go here.

Alpen, Edward, Associate Lab Director

Anderson, Zack, SULI intern

Arasteh, Darish, An Efficient Windows Expert in the Environmental Energy Technologies Department

Asaro, Frank, Nuclear Chemist

Baker, William R. ‘Bill’, Berkeley Lab’s First Electrical Engineer

Barnes, Arlan ‘Red’, Lab Rigger

Beaudrow, Michael, Accelerator Operator at the Advanced Light Source

Bieniosek, Frank, Accelerator and Fusion Research Division.  For additional information, go here.

Blair, Harold, Lab Firefighter

Blair, Steve, Facilities Division Engineer

Bodvarsson, Gudmundur (Bo) S., Earth & Environmental Sciences Area

Bragg, Robert, Lab Researcher

Bruzzone, Carol, Administrator With the Facilities Division and the Joint Genome Institute

Bruzzone, James, Facilities

Buhl, Fred, Building Technology and Urban Systems Division

Calvin, Melvin, Nobelist in Chemistry, 1961.  For additional information go here.

Campisi, Judith, Senior Scientist in the Life Sciences Division

Cannon, Rowland M., Jr., Staff Scientist

Carroll, Bill, Environmental Energy Technologies Division Assistant Division Director

Cepeda, Mario, Engineering Technician

Chemla, Daniel, Director of the Advanced Light Source

Chew, Geoffrey, Theoretical Physicist.  For additional information, go here.

Clark, Alan R., Lab Senior Scientist

Connick, Robert, Chemist.  For more information go here.

Crowe, Kenneth, Distinguished Nuclear Physicist.  For additional information go here.

Curtis, Stanley B., Biophysicist in Life Sciences Division.

Davis, James, Engineering Division.

Downing, Kenneth H., Senior Scientist in the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division

Echer, Chuck, Award-winning Scientific Research Associate at National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM)

Elioff, Tom,  Accelerator Physicist and Former Deputy Director of the Accelerator Division

Ellis, Russell, Engineering Division

Escobar Carmen, Administrator in EETD’s Building Technology and Urban Systems Department

Espinoza, Jacob, Assistant Building Manager and Maintenance Machinist in Engineering Department

Eylon, Shmuel, Experimentalist with the Heavy Ion Fusion Sciences (HIFS) Program in the Accelerator and Fusion Division

Fadley, Charles “Chuck”, Pioneer in X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Floyd, Sally, Lab Computer Scientist

Flynn, Paul, Lab Controller

Forte, Trudy, Senior Scientist in Life Sciences

Fraenkel, Zeev, Senior Scientist in Israel

Franck, Jack V., Prolific Inventor, One of First Two Electronic Technicians at Original Radiation Laboratory

Freedman, Stuart, Renowned Nuclear Physicist.  For more on Freedman, go here.

Garcia, Maria Elena, Lab Support Employee in the Directorate

Geissler, Phillip, Chemical Sciences, Condensed Phase and Interfacial Molecular Science Program

Ghiorso, Albert, Nuclear Researcher and Legendary Hunter of Transuranic Elements

Gidal, George, Distinguished Physicist

Gil, Jaspal, Facilities Truck Driver

Gill-Johnson, Angela, Deputy Director for Operations for the Chemical Sciences Division

Glaser, Donald, Berkeley Lab Physicist, Biotech Pioneer, and Nobelist

Gold, Lois Swirsky, Long-time Member of the Life Sciences Division and Director of the Carcinogenic Potency Project

Goldhaber, Gerson, Renowned Physicist

Goldhaber, Judith (Judy), Science Writer at Berkeley Lab

Goulding, Fred, Berkeley Lab Emeritus Distinguished Staff Senior Scientist

Greenberg, Steve, Energies Technologies Area Researcher

Haller, Eugene, Leading Expert in Semiconductor Materials

Harris, William, NERSC Retiree

Harvey, Bernard, Mendelevium Co-Discoverer

Heinemann , Heinz, Senior Scientist

Henderson, Tom, Mechanical Engineering Retiree

Henle, Ingeborg, Lab Controller

Holbrook, Stephen, Biosciences Affiliate

Hollander, Jack, Nuclear Scientist

Hopkins, Craig, Mechanical Engineering Technician at the Advanced Light Source

Igbozurike Uba, Rudyard (Rudy), Regulatory Compliance Specialist in the Waste Management Group of the Environment, Health and Safety Division

Jackson, Alan, ATAP Accelerator Physicist

Jackson, John David ‘J.D.,’ Theoretical Physicist

Jackson, Keith, Member of Computational Research Division’s Advanced Computing Group

Jackson-Maeda, Gail, Administrative assistant for the Advanced Computing for Science Department (ACS) in the Computational Research Division

Jacobson, Susanna, A Lab Employee for 21 years

Jacquith, Bill, Lab’s Longtime Electronic Postmaster

Kennedy, Kurt, Materials Scientist in the Engineering Division

Kerth, Leroy T., Associate Lab Director and Senior Scientist

Kilcoyne, David, ALS Research Scientist

Killeen, John, First NERSC Director

Kincaid, Brian, First Director of ALS

Korneev, Valeri, Earth and Environmental Sciences Area Geophysicist

Krebs, Gary, ALS User Services Group Leader

Kresin, Vladimir, Senior Scientist in the Chemical Sciences Division

Kunkel, Wulf, Fusion Group Lead

Lambertson, Glen, Accelerator Technology Pioneer

Landis, Donald, Senior Staff Electronics Engineer with the Engineering Division

Lawrence, Charles, Computer Engineer for the Telephone Systems Group, Information Technologies

Lawrence, Molly, Wife of E.O. Lawrence

Lewis, Steve, Engineering Division

Lippmann, Marcelo, Geothermal Energy Pioneer

Lofgren, Ed, Legendary Lab Physicist

Loken, Stu, Deputy director of the Physics Division

Lorsbach, Harry, Internal Audit and Procurement

Ludewigt, Bernhard, Scientist in the Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics Division’s Fusion Science & Ion Bream Technology (FS&IBT) Program

Lyman, John Tompkins, Senior Biophysicist

Lys, Jeremy, Physicist

Mandelstam, Stanley, Physicist

Mast, Terry, Physicist and Astronomer

McEvilly, Thomas, Earthquake Expert

Morrissey, Elmer, Environmental Energy Technologies Division

Morse, Oliver, Facilities and the Environmental Energy Technologies Division (now ETA)

Muller, Rolf, Associate Division Director of Materials & Molecular Research Division (MMRD)/Materials & Chemical Sciences Division (MCSD)

Narasimhan, T.N., Earth and Environmental Sciences.  For more go here

Natarajan, Vijaya (Viji), Computer Systems Engineer for the Data Management Research Group in the Computational Research Division

Nelson, Chris, Microscopist at Berkeley Lab’s National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM),

Nelson, Jerry, Father of the Keck Telescope.  For more go here.

Nero, Tony, Energy Technologies Area

Nichols, Alex, Life Sciences Researcher

Nitsche, Heino, Leader of the Nuclear Science Division’s Heavy Element Group

Novakov, Tihomir (Tica), Senior Scientist with Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division

Olken, Frank, Scientific Data Management Scientist

O’Neil, Jim, Biosciences Researcher

Pines, Alexander, Materials Sciences Division

Pyle, Robert V., Nuclear Engineering

Ramirez, Alice, Creative Services Employee

Ramsey, Chris, Engineer

Roberts, Glenn, Jr., Public Affairs Science Writer

Rock, Don, Earth and Environmental Sciences Area

Rosenfeld, Arthur H., Eminent Physicist, Inspirational Researcher, Energy Efficiency Maven.  For more go here, here, and here.  Also available is a video which highlights the legacy of Rosenfeld.

Ruzer, Lev, EETD Affiliate and Editor of the Aerosol Handbook

Rydberg, Björn, Life Scientist

Sauer, Kenneth, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division

Schipper, Leon (Lee), Environmental Energy Technologies Division

Schroeder, Ronald, Member of the Earth Sciences Division’s Geothermal staff

Schultz, Gene, Computer Security Expert

Seaborg, Glenn, Nobel Laureate Chemist, Discoverer of 10 Atomic Elements, Associate Director-at-Large of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University Professor of Chemistry for the University of California, and co-founder and chairman of the Lawrence Hall of Science

Searcy, Alan, Served as Associate Director and Head of the Lab’s Materials and Molecular Research Division (predecessor of the Materials Sciences Division)

Sessler, Andrew, Laboratory Director, Acclaimed Physicist and Humanitarian

Shirley, David, LBNL Director

Shirley, Virginia, Wife of Former LBL Director Dave Shirley and Member of the Nuclear Science Division’s Isotopes Project

Shugart, Howard, Physicist

Skinner, David, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)

Slepoy, Alex, Computational Research Division

Smith, Alan ‘Al’, Nuclear Scientist Specializi9ng in Science of Ultrasensitive Particle Detectors

Smith, Lloyd, Accelerator Theorist

Smith, Neville, Advanced Light Source Scientific Director.  For more see here.

Stevens, Dave, Computing Scientist

Stevenson, Suzanne, Administrative Assistant in NERSC

Stoner, John, Head of Archives and Records, librarian and historian

Striplin, Leslie Laura, Provided Administrative in the Directorate and Facilities Fleet Operations

Taylor, Clyde, A Pioneer of Superconducting Magnet

Thomas, Gareth, Founder of Berkeley Lab’s National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM).  For more information see here and here.

Thompson, Al, Former Advanced Light Source Scientist

Tinoco, Ignacio, Biosciences Affiliate

Trilling, George, Lab Physicist

Turner, James O., Mechanical Engineer

Wagman, Gary S., Computer Scientist in the Physics Division

Walters, Wiley, Facilities Employee

Warnecke , Falk, Postdoctoral Fellow at the DOE JGI’s Microbial Ecology Program

Washburn, Jack, Materials Sciences Principal Investigator

Weaver, Harold, Rad Lab Researcher

Welcome, Michael, Member of NERSC’s Mass Storage Group.  For more go here.

Westmacott, Kenneth, Former NCEM Director

White, Tara, Computing Sciences Administrator

Witherspoon, Paul A., Senior Faculty Scientist at Berkeley Lab’s Earth Sciences Division and Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley.  For more go herehere, and here.

Walukiewicz, Wladyslaw, Material Science Division, deputy program leader of Electronics Materials Program

Zisman, Michael, Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics (ATAP) Division’s Center for Beam Physics Researcher

Zolotorev, Max, Lab Physicist

Zumino, Bruno, Physicist and an Architect of Supersymmetry