Functions at the new Excess Processing Center in building 79 include:
Excess Computer Processing
- In order to meet new DOE orders for computer security, all hard discs are now removed from computers and destroyed. Employees who need a computer and are willing to purchase a new hard disc should let the Facilities Division know what type of computer they want. Facilities will screen the incoming computers and alert the employee when one is available.
- Retirement from Sunflower database when placed on excess or disposal status
- Re-issue/utilization per request
- Hard drive removal and destruction
- Sorting and disposition of Universal Waste. (E-waste, monitors, keyboards, etc.)
- Re-issue used equipment and supplies
Bid & Scrap Metal Sales
- Scrap Metal Sorting and sale functions are onsite at Building 79
- Equipment processing on FEDS and bid sale materials the audit trail is established at Bldg. 79 with a check of everything to insure no hazardous materials leave the Laboratory. Equipment is then sent to 904 for disposition.
- Bid sales conducted 2 times per month at bldg 904
- Used furniture sales (public) are conducted at bldg 904.
Sample furniture is available for re-use is available at bldg. 79.