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Safety Spot Award Winners Karin Levy – Lab Directorate. Karin recognized the need to have a mat in the B50A-4119 kitchen. Water often is dripped or spilled on the floor which is a slip & fall safety hazard. A mat was order and placed in the area as a preventative measure. Wendy Corr – EH&S Division. As a member of the EH&S Communication and Awareness Program Work Group, Wendy developed a well thought out plan for a flu prevention campaign and then effectively coordinated many of the campaign activities (obtaining and distributing small fliers, working with the Creative Services Office to develop information poster boards, attending several information sessions in the cafeteria, and reviewing slides for the LCD TV in the cafeteria). Her enthusiasm and hard work were key contributions to the success of the campaign. Cynthia Jones – Engineering Division. On two occasions during early morning overcast conditions, Cynthia discovered two off-normal hazardous situations where gratings in or adjacent to pedestrian paths were displaced. Both situations were potential trip and fall hazards where very serious injuries may have occurred. The employee immediately found, notified and showed the division safety coordinator, where subsequent action was then taken to secure both situations. Rene Perrier – Genomics Division. Rene’ was one of the three key members of the JGI Emergency Response Team who was trained as a Community Emergency Response Team member. He assisted in the development of a high quality JGI specific training program for the response team, helped conduct emergency drills, and helped improve the operations and readiness of the JGI Emergency Response Team. Sally Lafferty – IT Division. Sally took the initiative to organize a training session on the use of the Stryker chair for evacuating disabled staff via the stairway in case of an emergency. The training session was attended by IS staff from three different floors in B937. Everyone had the opportunity to practice carrying the chair, and two disabled staff had the experience of riding in it. Sally’s efforts will ensure safe evacuation of all staff in B937. Richard Kadel – Physics Division. In the process of identifying proper electrical safety policy and practice, Mr. Kadel visited several locations in B90 for the applicability of electrical safety requirements in preparation for discussion at the Safety Review Committee. He correctly identified the lack of a “ground fault circuit interrupter” for an outlet directly above a working sink where a coffee pot and a refrigerator were located in the hallway near conference room 90-1140. To verify the lack of GFCI, he traced the line to the circuit breaker to ascertain its lack of GFCI protection. His methodical approach resulted in ESD division’s response to the need for installation of GFCI for the vulnerable outlet, which potentially could cause a severe employee injury. Dr. Helen Budworth – Life Sciences Division. While working in a research laboratory, Dr. Budworth identified an untrained individual performing the lab-wide property inventory in a posted Radioactive Material Area. Dr. Budworth stopped the activity, informed the employee about the access restrictions and then informed the EH&S Division’s Radiation Protection Group about the situation. Because of Dr. Budworth’s attentive response, RPG staff followed up and provided the necessary refresher training to those employees tasked with locating equipment during the annual property inventory. Matthew Rice – Facilities Division. Matt performed an “Extent of Condition” review of fall protection available in areas that are likely to be accessed by workers with orders to perform maintenance work on building roof tops. Matt conducted a thorough analysis and wrote a thorough report, extending his review to other key fall protection issues on the hill. Michael Elizalde, Kevin Trigales, and Kevin Haugh – Facilities Division. During a safety meeting concerning forklift certification, it was brought to the Division Safety Coordinator’s attention that a large dumpster was parked directly below a 105K high voltage electrical tower. The concern was when forklifts are used to tamp down the contents of the dumpster, the mast was in danger of electricity jumping (especially during foggy or damp weather) onto the forklift. The group discussed the matter and then took immediate action. They worked together as a team and moved the dumpster to a safe location. Chuck Horton – Facilities Division. Chuck Horton observed non-compliance with correct safety policy and procedures for shipping and transporting material. Chuck brought these incidents to Facilities Division management’s attention and corrective steps were put into place by Facilities and EH&S to prevent a reoccurrence. Tracy Knight – Facilities Division. Tracy informed the Division Safety Coordinator of a trap hazard in a sand blast room involving a light switch that was hidden behind the rubber shield. By bringing this safety hazard to the attention of the Facilities Division Safety Coordinator, the Engineering Division Safety Coordinator, the Fire Marshall, the Building Manager and the Radio Shop, all worked together to put controls in place to eliminate this hazard. |
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Published by the Berkeley Lab Communications Dept., Creative Services Office |