Fisk, Indoor Environment Expert, to Be Acting Director of EETD
Acting Division Director Bill Fisk is a Senior Staff Scientist and Head of the Indoor Environment Department at Berkeley Lab. The Department staff of 50 conducts research on building ventilation, indoor environmental quality, energy use, exposure and risk assessment, and the relationship of indoor environmental quality with health and work performance. In addition to department leadership since 2000, Fisk has conducted research for 25 years at Berkeley Lab on indoor environmental quality. His current research focuses on technologies for ventilating and controlling indoor air quality, on the relationships of indoor environmental quality and related building characteristics with health, and on the economic consequences of indoor environmental quality.
Fisk serves on the editorial board for the journal Indoor Air, was elected to the international Academy of Indoor Air Sciences in 1999, and has served on National Academy of Sciences – Institute of Medicine committees on Asthma and IAQ and on Damp Buildings, Mold and Health. He also served for several years on the National Occupational Research Agenda – Indoor Environment Team and has been active in the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers and is a Fellow of that organization.
He received M.S. and B.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and the University of New Mexico, respectively.