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Berkeley Lab: 75 Years of World-Class Science 1931-2006 Berkeley Lab logo Today at Berkeley Lab masthead
spacer image Monday, September 11, 2006 spacer image


Dr. Steven Chu congratulated the most recent recipients of SAFETY SPOT Awards, a new program implemented by the Environment, Health and Safety Division designed to encourage the use of safe practices by employees across the Lab. This is the second group of employees to receive Safety Spot Awards since the program’s inception earlier this year.

All employees are encouraged to submit an outline of their efforts encouraging safe work practices at LBNL to their division safety coordinator, the EH&S Division online suggestion box or to [email protected] for consideration by the Safety SPOT Award Committee. Awards to be considered for fiscal year 2006 must be submitted by September 15, 2006.


Berkeley Lab Director Steve Chu (fifth from left) poses with some of the Safety Spot Award winners
announced recently: from left, Brian Taylor, Villalito Anabeza, Linda Matyas, Janie Morse, Don
Lucas, Robert Cheng, Sharon Buckley Hernandez, Csaba Toth, and Peter Seidl.

Photo by Gita Meckel – EH&S Division

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