Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Tips on Reporting Emergencies and Non-Emergency Incidents

For an EMERGENCY or life-threatening situation, employees should call the number posted on their desk phone -- either x7911 or 9-911.  If calling from a cellular phone, employees are advised to call 911 and be prepared to tell the dispatcher their exact location.

All NON-EMERGENCY incidents or accidents can be reported by calling x6999.  Those calls will be answered 24/7 by Security at the Blackberry Gate and referred to an LBNL emergency contact.

Remember that all LBNL employees, contractors, and guests can STOP WORK for any work activities they considered to be an imminent danger, and reporting them immediately by calling x6999.

All EHS and safety concerns should also be reported to your supervisor.  Employees can also send an email ([email protected]), leave anonymous feedback (, contact the EHS Division office at x5514 or the LBNL Ombudsman at x4130.

Any questions can be referred to Valerie (Quigley) Lucus at x7032.



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