Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Monday, October 10, 2005


"Change" by Ann Maris

Today the breezes of change
A sorry feeling of loss

Punkin soft black boney
serene and guiding she lies waiting
allowing the needle plunge
letting the liquids flow

feel the coolness of the breeze
in my throat

Loss of a friend
unknown loss

Battles unlaunched
tasks half done

Waiting in the brine
not a day to cry
group photograph

Over and under
in and out
moving between and among
touching edges
glancing blows

solid and soft
I wait for the change
of the next moment
and survive

I await you my friend
soothed by your arrival
your permanence

but bare in the breeze
without your soft hair
your purr, your one clear eye
bright with seeing me

watching me
waiting for me
for us to change together
changed forever


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