Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Friday, August 19, 2005

Electrical Safety Manual Updated

Chapter 8, “Electrical Safety” of PUB 3000 (LBNL Health and Safety Manual) has been updated and was issued on August 15, 2005. “The new manual is updated with the latest requirements and is much easier to use,” says Bob Mueller, Chair of the Electrical Safety Committee. Because of lessons-learned from the electrical accident at the Stanford Linear Accelerator in October 2004, DOE’s science labs have been working to upgrade their electrical safety programs. LBNL’s upgrades include this revised electrical safety manual, but also new training for qualified electrical workers, revised energized electrical work permits, improved personal protective equipment, improved assessment processes that include electrical safety, and an upgrade to our procedure for penetrating ground or existing surfaces (excavations). “With these improvements in place, we have greater confidence in the safety of our electrical work,” reports Jim Murphy, Facilities Division Electrical Supervisor.

Go here to review a briefing on the changes to this revision of Chapter 8, “Electrical Safety.”

Go here to review the updated Chapter 8 of PUB 3000, “Electrical Safety.”





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