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This year, all divisions are requiring a Property Accountability (Verification by Signature) Form as a component of the Employee Performance Review. (see Employee Institutional Requirements Protocol below) Before their scheduled meeting with supervisors, employees should print out their records and check the list of assets assigned to them. The Property Team has provided "quick-click" access to streamline the process. A special link has been placed in the Lab website A-Z index under: P - Property Accountability. Two mouse clicks and following the instructions below will link employees to their detailed list of assets.
If items appear on the list that are not in the custodian's known inventory, or there are discrepancies in identifiers (serial numbers, model numbers, etc) or location of assets, notations should be made on the printout. Employees can contact their Division Property Representatives for help in accessing their records, understanding the information on the form, and resolving inaccuracies. If the record is accurate, the original should be signed, dated and taken to the Performance Review meeting. Copies of the record should be forwarded to the Division Property Representative and also kept by employees in their own files. Division Property Contacts can be found here. Future Accountability Berkeley Lab is home to nearly 20,000 DOE-accountable assets used by scientists and staff. The sheer volume, together with the expanding infrastructure, makes tracking property a constant challenge. The Property Management Team urges employees to maintain an ongoing file of documents related to their assets, including invoices, product descriptions and database records to reduce the number of non-located assets during future inventories. NOTE: Although they may not appear on the list, Past Service Life PCs (older than 5 years and less than $5K acquisition value) are still Government assets and are controlled by the Lab's administrative policies and procedures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Employee Institutional Requirements Protocol Employees at all levels are accountable for all government property assigned to and accepted by them for official Laboratory use. Each employee must acknowledge acceptance of this accountability by signing an accountability statement which is attached to the listing of the property assigned to the employee. Employees must exercise the same degree of care that a reasonably prudent person would use to protect their private property from loss, damage, misuse, and misappropriation. Employees must be able to locate all property assigned to them upon request. For more information, contact the Property Team (x5151). or email.
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Published by the Berkeley Lab Communications Dept., Creative Services Office |