Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Thursday, April 21, 2005

Announcement of Reduction in Force (RIF) and Call for Volunteers at the ALS

From: Janos Kirz

After careful review of the ALS division's financial situation and in light of the funding reductions expected for FY06, the ALS division finds it necessary to reduce its budget by reducing staff. Effective Friday, April 22, 2005, the ALS division will be in reduction in force (RIF) status. All hiring activity, promotions and reclassifications are temporarily frozen.

ALS Management, including Group Leaders, are currently meeting to determine what knowledge, skills and abilities, by job categories, are required for the Division's projected needs through FY 2007. Individuals are not being discussed at this time. Our goals for this process are to:

  • Mitigate the financial shortfall in the ALS Division by reducing Staff
  • Minimize current and projected programmatic impacts
  • Retain critical skills, knowledge and abilities within our Division that are mission critical to the needs of facility operation and user support

Call for Volunteers: ALS will put out a call for volunteers for layoff beginning Friday, April 22, 2005 through Monday, May 9, 2005. Volunteers will be considered in lieu of the layoff of others, and will be approved based on business needs. If selected, volunteers may be eligible to receive severance pay in accordance with Laboratory policy. We expect to notify those who request voluntary layoff with our intent to accept or reject their request by Monday, May 16, 2005. More information about the voluntary process will follow.

We are hopeful that we can meet our objectives through the voluntary process. However, at the close of the voluntary period, if we find it necessary to continue the RIF status, we will proceed to a contingency plan and announce a RIF that targets particular positions. Employees who are selected for involuntary layoff during this period will be notified within approximately six (6) weeks or no later than Thursday, June 30, 2005.

I am convening an All Hands Meeting for 12 noon, April 21 in Building 50 Auditorium to fully explain the reasons for the RIF and its timing. Also present will be Deputy Laboratory Director Graham Fleming and Deputy HR Department Head Larry Hanson. Because the noon hour is the best time for the meeting, employees may take their lunch break either before or after the meeting.

I will continue to update ALS staff via e-mail and/or Brown Bag lunches over the next two months, or you may contact me by e-mail or phone, x6692, if you have any questions. Questions can also be e-mailed to [email protected]. I will post the answer or send out a Level-1 e-mail. If you have specific questions about your benefits, please contact the Benefits Department at 486-6403.

We do not take this action lightly and fully understand the impact it has on those affected. We appreciate your patience through this time.

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