Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Monday, April 4, 2005

Lab Presents Final Offers to AFSCME

The Lab bargaining team met with AFSCME on Friday, March 24, and presented two final offers for a FY 2005 wage agreement. One proposal provides for performance-based pay increases and the other is for an across-the-board wage increase. The Lab is prepared to offer a higher percentage for pay increases if the AFSCME agrees to a pay for performance approach. However, AFSCME rejected both offers, stating that it would not agree to any performance based scheme and that the across the board offer was not sufficient.

To address AFSCME's concerns about pay for performance, the Lab bargaining team proposed that a joint review committee be established to address concerns about an individual's performance rating. The Lab team also committed to replacing the P2R with a new performance process designed for AFSCME represented employees. However, mutual agreement on a new local wage agreement for FY 2005 did not occur and no further bargaining is currently scheduled.

Further developments will be provided here as they occur. Should AFSCME represented employees desire more detailed information concerning local bargaining, they are encouraged to contact their union representative.



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