Only 14
Days Until Runaround
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Naomi
Hartwig ($10/$12)
Bldg. 70A-3377
College of Chemistry
Structural and Functional Models of Nitrile Hydratase:
A Smart Way to Hydrolize Nitriles
Pradip Mascharak, UC Santa Cruz
120 Latimer Hall
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Inna Belogolovsky ($10/$12)
Bldg. 70A-3377
4:30 p.m.
Physics Department
New Radiation Belts From Solar Storms
Mary Hudson, Dartmouth College
1 LeConte Hall
Editions: Two Eggs with Biscuits & Gravy
Monday's Breakfast: Spinach, Ham & Onion Omelet with Hash Browns
Menutainment: Killer Burrito! Chicken or Pork
The Fresh Grille: Hot Wings with Vegetable Cruite & Fries
Origins: Lemon Pepper Hoki Fish with Rice & Vegetable
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
ALS Contributes to First
Total Molecule Measure
Physicists have made a "complete" measurement of the break-up of a molecule for the first time. Reinhard Dörner of the University of Frankfurt and co-workers in Germany, the U.S., Australia and Spain recorded the two electrons and two nuclei that were released when a single photon split a molecule of deuterium into its basic components. The technique could help shed new light on the fundamental properties of molecules. The experiment started by ionizing a jet of deuterium molecules with polarized photons from the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley Lab. Full story.

Johnston Has Definitive Word on Grids
Johnston |
Over the past 10 years, the idea of advancing science by developing networked "Grids" of widely dispersed computing resources has been endorsed and implemented by the DOE, NASA and NSF, among others. Europeans are aggressively deploying Grids, too. However, due to their complexity and the rush by industry to get a piece of the action, "Grid" has taken on many different meanings. Tony Hey, director of the United Kingdom's e-Science Initiative, turned to Berkeley Lab's Bill Johnston for the definitive definition, which he included in this open letter to the computing community.

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Careless Smoking
Starts Fire Near Trailers
Smoking in a non-designated area and improper disposal of cigarette butts were the apparent causes of a recent fire near unoccupied trailers 29 B and C. The decked area between the trailers smoldered and caught fire starting around 8 p.m. on Sept. 5. The picnic tables were completely burned and fire spread to the adjoining trailer walls by the time Lab firefighters arrived to extinguish the fire. No one was injured. Employees are reminded, especially during this season of extreme fire danger in the hills, to exercise care in the use and disposal of cigarettes. Discard ashes and butts in ash urns only.
Outdoors Club Looks
To the Stars
Lab's Outdoors Club invites employees to join them for an
"Introduction to Stargazing: A Public Lecture and Planetarium
Show" on Saturday, Oct. 2 at 6 p.m., at Chabot Space and Science
Center. The event, hosted by UC Berkeley Extension,
costs $15 per person and registration is required. Lab employees
will meet in front of the center at 5:40 p.m. E-mail Dinah
Levy for registration information.
Weekend Paving Closes
50E/50F Access Road
access road to the loading dock and parking lot for Buildings
50E and 50F, and the lower parking lot for Building 70A, will
be closed for repaving tomorrow. Workers will re-stripe the
road on Sunday. Employees should avoid this area over the
weekend. For more information, call Steve Blair
at x5927.