Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Monday, October 18, 2004

Employee Activities Assoc. Yoga Class with Inna Belogolovsky ($10/$12) Bldg. 70A-3377

4:30 a.m.
Physics Department
Global Dynamics of the Jovian Magnetosphere
Margaret Kivelson, UCLA
1 Le Conte Hall


9 a.m.
EHS 280
Laser Safety
Bldg. 51-201

10 a.m.
EHS 123
Adult CPR
Bldg. 48-109

1 p.m.
EHS 116
First Aid Safety
Bldg. 48-109

1:30 p.m.
EHS 256
Bldg. 51-201

4 p.m.
Life Science & Genomics
Imaging Amyloid in Vivo: A Window on Alzheimer's Disease
Chester Mathis, U. of Pittsburgh
Bldg. 66 Auditorium


Morning Editions: Cinnamon Raisin French Toast with Bacon
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Ham & Smoked Cheddar Scramble with Potatoes & Bagel
Market Carvery: Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Golden Raisin Ginger Sauce
The Fresh Grille: BBQ Pork Sandwich, French Fries & Rootbeer Float
Spinach, Mushroom, Tomato, & Olive Pasta Toss

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu

DOE Releases Draft
RFP for Berkeley Lab

The Department of Energy is now seeking comments on a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for the competitive selection of a management and operating contractor for Berkeley Lab. In a letter to Berkeley Lab employees, University of California Vice President Robert Foley outlines the steps the University plans to take in preparation for a possible bid. With the release of the draft RFP we remind employees that the selection of a prime contractor to operate Berkeley Lab through a formal bidding process requires the existing workforce of the Laboratory to abide by certain restrictions related to that competition. Some of these restrictions are extensions of existing employee conduct requirements and others are unique to the competition itself and are more delimited now that the draft has been issued. Go here to find out about charging time and effort and involvement with prospective bidders. Go here to read the DOE's press release announcing the RFP and here to read Foley's letter.

Work on Telephone
Systems This Saturday

The Information Technologies and Services Division will be upgrading the electrical lines that provide power to the Lab's telephone and networking systems on Saturday, Oct. 23. The work is not expected to cause disruption to telephone or networking systems. However, the possibility of an outage always exists. If there is an emergency and no dial tone is available, please activate the nearest building fire alarm and wait for emergency personnel to respond. A Lab-wide announcement will inform employees at the beginning and completion of the upgrade.

Presidential Candidates
On Science Policies

Kerry, top, and Bush

With the exception of the debate over stem-cell research, science remains a background topic in the current presidential campaign. Democratic candidate Senator John Kerry has occasionally highlighted U.S. science policy and charged that President Bush's administration has put politics and ideology ahead of science. Bush has responded, primarily through his science adviser, John Marburger, by pointing to the 44 percent increase in federal R&D since fiscal year 2001 and the record $132 billion in the administration's FY 2005 R&D budget. Recently, Physics Today asked Bush and Kerry nine questions covering a range of science topics. Go here to read their answers.


Why High Oil Prices Haven't Cut Demand

With gasoline and oil prices ever increasing, the drive to conserve energy should be getting another big push. But so far, that doesn't seem to be happening. In fact, many of those involved in trying to cut energy use avoid the word "conservation" altogether — a term that brings to mind personal sacrifices. The emphasis now is on "efficiency" — maintaining the same standard of living while using less energy. Still, the problem of cutting energy use defies sound-bite solutions. "If you're looking for a single thing that's going to solve all the problems it's not going to happen that way," said James McMahon, head of the energy analysis department at Berkeley Lab. Full story.


Staff Can View Vendor
Exhibits at ALS Meeting

The ALS Users' Meeting kicks off this morning and continues through Wednesday. The program includes keynote speeches, poster sessions, workshops, and vendor exhibits. This year, a record 28 vendors will be on hand to display a wide range of scientific equipment. All lab employees are invited to visit the exhibits, in the tent by the ALS, today, between 10 and 11 a.m., and tomorrow, 9 a.m. through noon. Go here for more information about this year's program.

Gong, right, and student

Chicago Kids Wowed
By 'What's Next'

Berkeley Lab Genomics Division researcher Elaine Gong helped hundreds of Chicago youth learn the art of DNA extraction during the "What's Next" science education celebration last Thursday. Berkeley Lab and the Joint Genome Institute were among dozens of DOE-funded programs participating in the event.

Cloudy, chance of rain.
Highs: high 60s (20° C).

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Extended Forecast

SECON level 3

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