Improved LETS
Coming Soon to Lab
Lab’s newest timekeeping system interface, “LETSLite,”
is being rolled out to the entire Laboratory. LETSLite
has been in pilot for nearly one year and will replace
ssh-LETS (the original LETS interface) on July 1. Users
of Linux/Unix, MAC and PC workstations have been involved
in the pilot effort to ensure cross-platform compatibility.
If you enter or approve time in ssh-LETS or WebLETS
(the current interface), you can see this new and improved
program at one of two noon brown bag sessions: this
Friday in the Building 66 Auditorium, and June 3 in
the Building 50 Auditorium.

PG&E Power Switch
Scheduled for Today
will be performing switching on the 115Kv-transmission
line to the Laboratory today. The procedures will be
transparent to the Laboratory community and it is highly
unlikely that an interruption of power will occur. However,
the possibility of an electrical power interruption
always exists. Please take all necessary precautions.
For additional information please contact Jim Murphy
at x4175 or Mahesh Gupta at x5220.

More First Aid
And CPR Classes Set
to increased demand from employees, EH&S training
has added four additional first aid and Adult CPR classes
in early June. They include: Wednesday, June 2, EHS
116 (First Aid) at 6:30 a.m., and EHS 123 (CPR) at 10
a.m., in Building 48-109; and Tuesday, June 8, EHS 123
(CPR) at 7 a.m., and EHS 116 (First Aid) at 9:30 a.m.,
in Calvin 116. Register for these classes at the Employee
Self-Service website here.
Call x2228 with questions.
Will Impact
Parking at 62, 66
today through Thursday, the Anode Symposium and BATT
Review will be held in the Building 66 auditorium. Approximately
25 extra vehicles per day will be parking in the area.
Employees are advised to use public transportation or
carpool when possible. For questions, contact Security
at x4855.
