Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Friday, March 5, 2004

















Policies on Whistleblower Protection

The Policy for Reporting and Investigating Allegations of Suspected Improper Governmental Activities ("Whistleblower Policy"), governs reporting and investigation of allegations of suspected improper governmental activities. The University of California is also committed to protecting employees and applicants for employment from interference with making a protected disclosure or retaliation for having made a protected disclosure or for having refused an illegal order as defined in the Policy for Protection of Whistleblowers from Retaliation and Guidelines for Reviewing Retaliation Complaints ("Whistleblower Protection Policy"). Both policies represent the University's implementing policies for the California Whistleblower Protection Act (Government Code Section 8547- 8547.12).  To read the entire Whistleblower Policy, go here. To read the entire Whistleblower Protection Policy, go here. Options for reporting suspected improper governmental activity can be found here.

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