Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Radiation and Laser Safety Tips for Students

  • EH&S 400/432, "Radiation Safety Training" is required for all employees, including students, who will handle radioactive material. Go here to register.
  • Students under 18 years of age are not allowed to work with radioactive material.
  • Additional on-the-job training (documented) must be provided by the RWA/SSA principal investigator or designee.
  • All radiation workers must be listed as an authorized worker on an RWA/SSA.   Radiation workers must read, understand and sign the RWA prior to beginning work with radioactive material.
  • Proper personal protection equipment (PPE) must be worn, as required by the RWA or SSA, while handling radioactive material.   PPE includes lab coats, safety glasses and appropriate gloves.   Open toed shoes are not permitted when handling unsealed radioactive material.
  • Eating, drinking and/or food storage are not allowed in Radioactive Material Areas (RMAs) or Radioactive Material Storage Areas (RSAs).
  • Principal investigators must also ensure that students are listed on the Activity Hazard Document (AHD) for the laser lab, attend laser safety training EH&S 280, and for class 3b and class 4 lasers, receive a laser eye exam before they are allowed to work with lasers.
  • Know your isotopes, know your radiation safety instruments and know your assigned Radiological Control Technician (RCT) and Health Physicist (HP).
For more information, contact Chris Donahue x7736 or visit this safety website.

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