Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class
Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70A-3377
8 a.m.
Human Resources
New Employee Orientation
Bldg. 50 Auditorium
9:10 a.m.
EHS 10
Introduction to ES&H at Berkeley Lab
Bldg. 66 Auditorium
Computing Sciences
The Challenge of Biological Data Management
Victor Markowitz
Perseverance Hall
5:30 p.m.
African American Researchers in Mathematical Sciences
Welcoming Reception
Additions: Cinnamon Raisin French Toast with Bacon
Market Carvery: Oven Roasted Prime Rib with Garlic Au jus, Baked Potato, Vegetable and Side Salad
Fresh Grille: Chicken Philly Cheese Sandwich with Fries
Menutainment: Asian Crispy Turkey Salad with Peanut Dressing
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Lab Hosts Conference
For Black Researchers
Berkeley Lab and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute will co-host the 10th annual Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences tomorrow through Friday. The conference will spotlight the accomplishments of mathematicians from underrepresented minority backgrounds and will feature technical speakers, tutorials, and a graduate student poster session. The event is open to all. Go here for more information about conference logistics and a link to the registration page.
DOE NanoSummit Will Discuss Emerging Field
The Department of Energy will host a NanoSummit this Wednesday and Thursday to bring together policymakers and the scientific community to share information on emerging research opportunities and priorities in nanoscale science and technology for our energy future. Berkeley Lab will participate with representatives from its Molecular Foundry, Physical Biosciences and Materials Sciences programs. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, Office of Science and Technology Policy director John Marburger, members of Congress, and leaders from industry, academia and DOE National Laboratories are on the agenda, which can be found here.
Computer Energy Waste
Major Cause of Pollution
Nordman |
Computers and computer monitors in the United States are responsible for the unnecessary production of millions of tons of greenhouse gases every year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In U.S. companies alone, more than $1 billion a year is wasted on electricity for computer monitors that are turned on when they shouldn't be. EPA officials say emissions could be drastically reduced if companies and individual computer users would follow a few energy-saving guidelines. Go here to listen to a report on this issue that features Berkeley Lab's Bruce Nordman, a scientist in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division.

Lab Blood Donations
Boost Totals in Area
At a recent meeting of the Northern California Region of the American Red Cross Blood Services, organizations that have sponsored blood drives were recognized for their donation efforts. Berkeley Lab was among the top 50 sponsors in the area, and in the top 10 for May. Thanks to all Lab employees who have donated blood over the past year.
Correction: Date of Talk
Is Wednesday, June 23
incorrect day for a talk by Microsoft's Jesper Johansson
on Windows Security was listed in last Thursday's edition
of "Today at Berkeley Lab." The correct day is this
Wednesday, starting at noon in Building 50A-5132.
Distribution Revised
It continues to be the policy of Berkeley Lab that employees
(and others who assign to UC their rights to intellectual
property through Berkeley Lab) receive a share of net
licensing income. A recent change in implementation
of the inventor share policy by the University of California
has necessitated a change in this Laboratory policy.
Go here
to read about these changes.
