Sign-up for Science Exploration Camp
Science Exploration Camp is still accepting applications for children entering 2nd to 6th grades next fall. There are six weekly camp sessions from July 12 to August 20. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with before and after care available from 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at no extra charge. The weekly fee is $215. There are two scholarships, reducing the fee to $95 weekly available to qualified Lab employees. Send e-mail here for more information, or visit the Center for Science and Engineering Education website.
The story that appeared in last Thursday's "Today at Berkeley Lab," on the wall-to-wall inventory listed the incorrect dollar amount for equipment at the Lab. It is $600 million.
Tree Removal To Slow Traffic This Week
Beginning at 8 a.m. tomorrow, and continuing through June 14, vehicle traffic will be impaired by road closure and/or single lane traffic, on "S" road between McMillan and Glaser Rd., due to the removal of 15 large pine trees. The trees are being removed to allow access to the new radio tower for a new microwave dish, being installed later this summer. For safety reasons, foot traffic will also be limited or closed in this area. For more information, contact Bob Berninzoni at x5576.

Latest Issue of 'Our University' Available
"Our University," a periodic newsletter published by Robert Dynes, president of the University of California, as been released. The latest issue covers several topics, including the budget and lab contract competition. Go here to read the newsletter.