Hopkins Tapes
Now Available for Loan
who may have missed the Summer Lectures presented over
the last two weeks by Jay Keasling and Deb
Hopkins can view them via videotape on loan from
the Lab Library (Building 50). Keasling spoke on June
23 on "Synthetic Biology: Building Bugs to Produce
Drugs." Hopkins’ June 30 talk was entitled,
““Blasting Rocks and Blasting Cars: Applied
Engineering for Industry.”

Gayley, University Paving
Begins on Campus Today
will begin work today to repave Gayley Road from Hearst
Ave. to Rimway Road. University Drive, which leads from
the East Gate into campus past Evans Hall, will also
be resurfaced. Construction on the roads is expected
to continue through early August. Traffic on Gayley
Road and access to the campus at East Gate will be interrupted
throughout the project. Motorists should expect delays
and are encouraged to use alternate routes if possible
while construction is underway. Access will be managed
by flag personnel. Go here
for more information.
