Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Thursday, December 23, 2004

Updated List Of Library Journals

This list of journals was determined by a cost benefit analysis based on usage and cost.

Total Combined List of Journals, January 2005
AACR package
          American Association of Cancer Research
     Cancer research
     Clinical cancer research
     Cancer epidemiology and prevention
     Cell growth and differentiation
     Molecular cancer research
     Molecular cancer therapies
ACS journal archives
ACS package
          American Chemical Society Package
     Accounts of chemical research
     Analytical chemistry
     Chemical and engineering news
     Chemical reviews
     Chemistry of materials
     Environmental science and technology
     Industrial and engineering chemistry research
     Inorganic chemistry
     Journal of the ACS
     Journal of chemical and engineering data
     Journal of chemical information and computer sciences
     Journal of physical chemistry, A and B
     Nano Letters
AIP package
          American Institute of Physics Package
     Applied physics letters
     Journal of applied physics
     Journal of chemical physics
     Journal of mathematical physics
     Journal of physical and chemistry reference data
     Low temperature physics
     Physics of fluids
     Physics of plasma
     Physics today
     Review of scientific instruments
APS package
          American Physical Society Package
     Physical review A-E
     Physical review letters
     Reviews of modern physics
     PROLA - all backfiles
Astronomy and astrophysics
Astrophysical journal
Biochimica et biophysica acta
Electrochemical Society. Journal
Energy, the international journal
Genes and development
Geophysical research letters
International journal of radiation biology
International journal of radiation oncology
IOP package
          Institute of Physics Package B
     Journal of physics A-G
     Classical and quantum gravity
     European journal of physics
     Inverse problems
     Measurement science and technology
     Physics in medicine and biology
     Reports on progress in physics
     Semiconductor science and technology
     Superconductor science and technology
     Waves in random media
Journal of biological chemistry
Journal of catalysis
Journal of geophysical research. B
Journal of lipid research
Journal of materials science package
Molecular cell
Nature group journals and special journals (16)
New Scientist
Nuclear instruments and methods. A and B
Nuclear physics.  A, B, and proceedings
Optics combination
Surface science, Applied surface science, and
  surface science reports


*CDL Titles for 2005
Biochimica et biophysica acta
Cell with Molecular cell
Energy, the international journal
Geophysical research letters
International journal of radiation oncology
Journal of catalysis
Journal of geophysical research. B
Nuclear instruments and methods. A and B
Nuclear physics.  A, B, and proceedings
Surface science, Applied surface science, and
  surface science reports
* CDL = California Digital Libraries, a UCOP consortium which provides discounts when journals are brokered through this partnership.


EBSCO titles for 2005
AACR package*
AIP package*
APS package*
Astronomy and astrophysics
Astrophysical journal
Electrochemical Society. Journal
Genes and development
International journal of radiation biology
IOP package*
Journal of biological chemistry
Journal of lipid research
Journal of materials science package*
New Scientist
Optics combination
* Packages include more than one title, but usually a series of like publications from a professional society.


Other Journals, not EBSCO, not CDL
Nature Group
CDL Titles for 2005 from worksheet
EBSCO Titles for 2005 from worksheet



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