Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Friday, December 3, 2004

















Tips on Safe Razor Blade Use:

Don't: Do:  
  • Use your fingers to hold a razor blade.
  • Cut or trim an object you are holding with your other hand.
  • Use the razor blade to cut narrow strips of tape from a larger roll.
  • Get distracted, rush though the job or come to work ill.
  • Use pliers to place the razor blade in a holder designed for cutting.
  • Order appropriate sized tape rather than "jerry rigging" a way to cut the tape.
  • Purchase safety cutters to open boxes.
  • Use proper knives for cutting, not single edged razor.







DON'T use a blade to remove a beaker from an agitator.
DON'T use a blade to open boxes.
DON'T use a blade to cut narrow strips of tape.
DO use a razor blade holder.















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