Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

9 a.m.
EHS 225
Forklift Training
Bldg. 51-201

12:15 p.m.
Employee Activity Assoc.
Amateur Emergency Radio Group Mtg.
Bldg. 48-117

Employee Activities Assoc. Yoga Class with Chris Hoskins ($10/$12)
Bldg. 70A-3377

3 p.m.
Unusual Electron Dynamics in the Quantum Frustrated Cobaltates: Emergence of a New State of Matter?
M. Zahid Hasan, Princeton U.
Bldg. 6-2202


7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ironage Shoemobile Visit
Cafeteria parking lot

9 a.m.
EHS 61
Ergo Evaluation Training

Bldg. 51-201

10 a.m.
EHS 123
Adult CPR
Bldg. 48-109

1 p.m.
EHS 116
First Aid
Bldg. 48-109


Morning Editions: Breakfast Bagel
Tomorrow's Breakfast:
Bacon, Tomato & Cheese Omelet with 16 oz. Fountain Juice
Market Carvery:
Roasted Prime Rib with Baked Potato & Vegetable $7.99
The Fresh Grille:
Grilled Sausage Sandwich with Peppers & Onions
Tofu Vegetable Low Mein with Sesame Sauce

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu

Poster Fair Showcases
Student Projects

In the photo above, Gustavo Gonzalez, a student at the University of California, Berkeley, discusses his "Initial Design of the Neutral Drift Compression Experiment" project with his mentor Enrique Henestroza of the Accelerator and Fusion Research Division at a poster session hosted by the Center for Science and Engineering Education last week. In addition to his research this summer, Mr. Gonzalez participated in the summer 2002 fellowship program as a student from Santa Monica College.


Is Microsoft's Internet
Explorer Too Dangerous?

So many vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Explorer have been found that the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) has recently recommended that people quit using this Web browser. Is CERT right? Come find out at the next Computer Protection Brown Bag event to be held at noon next Tuesday in Building. 70A-3377. Gene Schultz will be the speaker.


Director Chu and Deputy Director Oddone risk the hazards of home-made chile

Competition Hot
At Chili Cookoff

Facilities Division employees turned out in force at lunchtime yesterday for the first Facilities Division Chili Cookoff. The competition drew 14 contestants, who served up their fiery fare from creatively decorated booths in the Building 69 parking lot. Judging was provided by the Alameda County Fire Department, which dispatched Berkeley Lab firefighters Tom Neuerberg, Maureen Noon, Dave Piepho and Jason Lemoine to the scene. The firefighters awarded the prize for best chili to the Chili Willy team of Harry Bash, Phil Bach, and Victor Hepa. Look for more results and pictures from the cookoff in the next issue of The View on Sept. 3.


Unified Project
Call Process

Effective immediately, Berkeley Lab's Policy on the Unified Project Call Process has been revised. This process provides programmatic and infrastructure organizations with the opportunity to examine their operational needs and to submit prioritized candidate Line Item Project (LIP), General Plant Project (GPP), Non-Capital Alteration (NCA), and General Purpose Equipment (GPE) proposals in the budget process. The Unified Project Call Process policy has been modified to ensure that appropriate controls are in place and that roles and responsibilities are defined for all parties involved. The revised policy increases the roles of the Chief Financial Officer and the Scientific Divisions. Click here to review the policy in its entirety.

Morning fog, clearing later.
Highs: low 70s (23° C).

IMAGE: Weather icon

Extended Forecast

SECON level 3

Weather icon

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