Lot Closed Tomorrow
For Trailer Installation
Blackberry Canyon, or "D" parking lot, will be closed
tomorrow for the installation of a 40-foot mobile trailer.
Vehicles should not be left there over the weekend.
For information, contact Michael Apte at X4669
or Douglas Sullivan at X6367.
Watchers Group
Getting Started at Lab
The Health Services Department is currently
forming a new Weight Watchers group here at the Lab.
The group will meet once a week, now tentatively scheduled
for 1 p.m. on Wednesdays. Cost for each one-hour meeting
is $10.95 and must be pre-paid for at least 10 and up
to 20 weeks of meetings. There is no registration fee.
Those interested in joining should send an e-mail here,
or call Cathy Wentworth at X5334 by next Thursday.

ASD Academy
Will Show You How
Laurie Yamamoto from the UC Berkeley Tang Center will facilitate a workshop to learn and practice a variety of useful and immediately helpful deep breathing exercises, visualizations and simple office stretches that will leave you feeling more relaxed and energized. Come to Building 2, 100-B, from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. next Thursday (Aug. 12) and prepare to stand, stretch and move around the room. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited. Register here for ASD 9038.
$$$, Hone Skills
As a Lab Tour Guide
Lab's Community Relations Office is offering $70 per
tour to graduate students and post-doctoral staff to
lead two-hour public tours of Lab facilities. About
once a month, participants can benefit from the opportunity
to practice public speaking skills while they see variety
of scientific research programs. Community Relations
will hold a training session for new tour guides in
September. For more information, send an e-mail here,
or call X7292. For more information about Berkeley Lab
tours, go here.