Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Thursday, September 11, 2003


9 a.m.
Adult CPR
Bldg. 48-109

4 p.m.
College of Chemistry
Studies of Cluster Dynamics by Femtosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron Imaging
Aster Kammrath, UCB
120 Latimer Hall


1:30 p.m.
Physics Division
High-Resolution Analysis for Materials Characterization
Hubert Gnaser, U. of Kaiserlautern
Bldg. 5-136

1:30 p.m.
Physics Division
Search for WIMPs With CRESST: Technique and Recent Results
Wolfgang Rau, TUM, Garching
375 LeConte Hall

1:30 p.m.
Physics Division
First Results from the Salt Phase of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Alysia Marino, Berkeley Lab
Bldg. 50 Auditorium

4 p.m.
College of Chemistry
Synthetic Development of Crystalline Porous Chalcogenides With Tunable Electrical and Optical Properties
Pingyun Feng, UC Riverside

Origins: Spaghetti with Meatballs, Salad, & Cheese Toast
Fresh Grille: BBQ Pork Sandwich
Menutainment: Santa Fe Chicken Chili Pie
B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full Menu
Flags Fly at Half-Staff for Patriot Day

The American flag at Berkeley Lab and at homes throughout the country will be flying at half-staff today to honor the memory of those who died in the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington two years ago. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, in conveying President Bush's proclamation throughout the Department, said, "We should all take time to reflect on the tragic events of September 11, 2001, in a way that reflects honor upon our Nation and remembers those innocent people who lost their lives." The proclamation asks that all Americans observe a moment of silence to honor the innocent victims. University of California President Richard Atkinson also acknowledges the anniversary to campuses and laboratories in a statement here. The UC Berkeley campus will observe a moment of silence during the noon hour with an informal gathering on Sproul Plaza.


Edward Teller: A Life
Dedicated to Science


Dr. Edward Teller, world-renowned physicist, co-founder of Lawrence Livermore Lab and a lifelong education advocate died Tuesday, Sept. 9 at age 95. He passed away in his home after suffering a stroke two days before. Among his numerous honors, Teller was recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor. Go here to view a special website Livermore Lab created to chronicle Teller’s life.

Two Receive Gold Award
for Human Genome Work

Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham presented Francis Collins and Aristides Patrinos with the Secretary’s Gold Award for their leadership of the government’s Human Genome Project. Collins is the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at
the National Institutes of Health, and Patrinos heads the Office of Biological and Environmental Research at the DOE’s Office of Science. Go here to read the full press release.

In the News
  Policy Update

More Science, Less

A new software tool promises to aid scientists whose research has forced them to lead double lives -- as computer programmers. The tool, called the Tensor Contraction Engine (TCE), automatically generates the computer code that chemists, physicists, and materials scientists need to model the structure and interaction of complex molecules, saving them weeks or even months of work. According to a recent study, computational chemistry and materials science projects accounted for some 30 percent of the work at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at Berkeley Lab. Full story.


Policy Reminder on
Outside Employment

When is it permissible to engage in outside employment, and what types are allowed? Outside employment opportunities are extremely varied, but four basic rules to remember are: (1) the work is done outside Lab hours and not on Lab premises; (2) it does not interfere with or detract from the performance of your Lab duties; (3) it does not create a real or apparent conflict of interest; (4) you do not use Lab supplies, equipment, facilities, or resources. Go here for more details.


Sunny. Warmer.
Highs mid-80s.

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SECON level 3

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