9:10 a.m.
Introduction to EH&S
Bldg. 50 Auditorium
11 a.m.
College of Chemistry
New Chemical Tools
Jonathan Ellman, UCB
120 Latimer Hall
1 p.m.
Scientific Computing
An Efficient Bayesian Network Method to Detect Stable Genetic
Regulatory Networks
Hanchuan Peng, Berkeley Lab
1:30 p.m.
Bldg. 51-201
4 p.m.
Physics Division
Selected Results from Summer Conferences
Andrei Gritsan and Karsten Heeger, Berkeley Lab
6 p.m.
Infant/Child CPR
Bldg. 48-109
4 p.m.
College of Chemistry
Celiac Sprue: An Odyssey Into Biomedicine
Chaitan Khosla, Stanford
120 Latimer Hall
Market Carvery: TBA
Fresh Grille: TBA
Menutainment: TBA
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Expert Weighs In
on Asteroid Collision
Muller |
blow it up, gently push it aside with a hydrogen bomb,"
said Berkeley Lab physicist Rich Muller to KRON
TV reporter Noel Cisneros in response to questions about
QQ47, an asteroid that may or may not be on a collision
course with Earth for the year 2014. Muller is the Labs
resident expert on asteroid collisions. The interview
can be viewed with RealPlayer software.
Students Train
With Top Scientists
Jim Steinberg
Lopez |
State student Ryan Dunning spent a summer vacation working
in a white coat, studying the Earth's iridium layer
with scientists at Berkeley Lab. Raquel Quinto-Mayo
did her summer work in the lab, analyzing cost efficiency,
pollution levels and energy savings from advanced appliance
design. And Enrique Lopez worked with scientists on
nuclear radiation and homeland security. Full
on Protecting
Sensitive Info
Computer Protection Program is offering a new mini-course,
"Protecting Sensitive Information and Systems,"
to help those who store sensitive information such as
personal medical information, personnel information,
and CRADA information and have access to systems which
if down could cause considerable disruption and cost
to the Lab. The course will be held from 9 a.m. to 12:15
p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 23 in 50F-1647. Enrollment is
free, but space is limited. Go here
to register.
Gets a New Tag
the Labs Virus Wall already identifies and disinfects
incoming email containing viruses, a new procedure will
soon label those messages as [DISINFECTED] before forwarding
them to the intended recipient. This change is prompted
in part by the recent Sobig.F virus. The new label is
part of a test to determine whether [DISINFECTED] messages
can be deleted before theyre passed on to individuals
for disposal. You can setup
a filter to automatically file or delete messages
tagged as [DISINFECTED], just as with messages tagged
Needed for
Sunday's Solano Stroll
can enjoy the food, fun and colorful atmosphere of the
Stroll (Sunday, Sept. 14, starting at 10 a.m.) while
promoting the work of Berkeley Lab by volunteering at
the Labs booth. Volunteers will hand out brochures
and souvenirs, and can work for as little as one hour.
Afterwards, employees and their families can listen
to some 50 different bands, admire arts and crafts,
and taste gourmet flavors from around the world. To
volunteer, call Community Relations at x7292.