Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Thursday, October 23, 2003


8 a.m.
Earth Sciences
Symposium on Underground Injection Science and Technology
Bldg. 50 Auditorium

9:30 a.m.
ALS/SSG Lecture Series
Ultrafast Charge Transfer at Surfaces
Dietrich Menzel
Bldg. 6-2202 Conference Room

11 a.m.
College of Chemistry
Probing Water Coordination of Gadolinium (III) Complexes for High-Relaxivity MRI Contrast Agents
Eric Werner
120 Latimer Hall

1:30 p.m.
EHS 20
ES&H for Supervisors
Bldg. 51-201


8 a.m.
Earth Sciences
Symposium on Underground Injection Science and Technology
Bldg. 50 Auditorium

10:30 a.m.
Center for Beam Physics
Measuring the Electrical Conductivity of a Single, Warm Dense Matter State
Andrew Ng, LLNL
Bldg. 71-264

11:30 a.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Costco Membership Drive
Bldg. 937 Lobby

1 p.m.
A Proposed Standard for Matrix Metadata With a View Towards a Self-Adapting Large-scale Solver Architecture
Victor Eijkhout
Bldg. 50A-5132

4 p.m.
College of Chemistry
Breaking Bonds with Low-Coordinate Iron: Chemistry Inspired by Nitrogenase
Patrick Holland, U. of Rochester
120 Latimer Hall

Origins: Shrimp or Vegetarian Fried Rice Bowl
The Fresh Grille: Chicken Parmigiana Sub with Pasta Salad
Southern Fried Chicken with Two Sides
Closed Due to Pre-Scheduled Activity in Cafe
B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Dinner: 5 - 7 p.m.
Full Menu


New Genomics, With
an Eye on Ecosystems

By Andrew Pollack


Determining the complete DNA sequence of a single species has become almost commonplace. It has been done for humans, mice, rice plants and a host of microbes, among others. Now some scientists are moving to a more audacious challenge, sequencing "metagenomes," the DNA of entire ecosystems. Many scientists still doubt that it can be done. But success is already being seen on more narrow communities. Jill Banfield, with Berkeley Lab’s Earth Sciences Division, is studying the microbes found 400 feet underground at Iron Mountain, an abandoned mine in Northern California. Full story (registration required).

A Bridge Too Far:
A Man, a Plan, a River
By Steve Mirsky


How can you be reasonably sure you’re in Cambridge, MA? The clincher is the strange and thrilling discovery I make upon consulting a map entitled "M.I.T. and Its Environs." While checking the legend to see if a destination is close enough to walk, I notice that the distance scales in familiar feet, meters and miles have been joined by an interloper: the smoot, a unit specific to, and well known at, M.I.T. Now meet George Smoot, an M.I.T. graduate, and Berkeley Lab physicist. Full story.


Rep. Lee Honors ALS
On Its 10th Anniversary


In tribute to the 10th Anniversary of the Lab’s Advanced Light Source, local U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee inserted comments into the Oct. 20 edition of the U.S. Congressional Record. Rep. Lee made a similar tribute to NCEM on the advent of its 20th anniversary on Sept. 30, Go here to read the portion of the Congressional Record that includes mention of the ALS. Go here to read the Congressional Records comments about NCEM.


Public Can Comment
At Financing Workshop

When the Research Business Models Workshop takes place on Monday in the Building 50 Auditorium, the agenda will include a public comment period beginning at 2 p.m. People interesting in speaking will be limited to three minutes and are encouraged to provide comments in writing. More information on the “Alignment of Funding Mechanisms With Science Opportunities” meeting, sponsored by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, can be found here.

Reserve Now For
Flu Shot Next Week

Berkeley Lab Health Services is booking appointments now for flu and pneumonia shots next Thursday, Oct. 30, and Nov. 6, from 8 a.m. to noon. The cost is $20 for flu immunization and $25 for a pneumonia shot. Call x6266 to reserve a time on one of the two days.


Sunny by midday, highs
in the mid-70s.

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SECON level 3

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