new policy on Conflict of Interest Created by Consensual Relationships
addresses situations in which one individual in a consensual
relationship has supervisory, decision-making, oversight, evaluative,
or advisory responsibilities over the other individual. These
relationships include near relatives and domestic partners,
as defined in the Laboratory’s RPM §2.01(E)(2).
Revised Policy: Sexual Harassment and Procedures for Responding
to Reports of Sexual Harassment
The proposed revisions to the current UCOP policy on Sexual
Harassment and Procedures for Responding to Reports of Sexual
Harassment include:
- An
updated definition of sexual harassment
- Clarification
of the University’s and Laboratory’s obligations
to respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual
- Provisions
for training employees and educating the University and
Laboratory communities regarding sexual harassment
- A
prohibition on filing intentionally false reports
- A
statement that the policy shall be implemented in a manner
that recognizes principles of free speech
While both policies are written primarily from a campus point-of-view,
the basic policies will be adopted by Berkeley Lab with Laboratory-specific
and appropriate implementing procedures.
The proposed changes may be viewed here.
Those who wish to comment on these changes must email or
write Mary Bishop, HR Policies Analyst, at MS 937R0600 or
[email protected], by
November 14, 2003.