Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Monday, November 17, 2003


1 p.m.
EHS 274
Confined Space Retraining
Bldg. 51-201

2 p.m.
EHS 330
Lead Hazards Awareness
Bldg. 51-201

4:30 p.m.
Physics Department
Studying the Structure of the Space-time and the Brain with Atomic Magnetometers
1 LeConte Hall
Michael Romalis, Princeton U.

7 p.m.
EIR Scoping Meeting
North Berkeley Senior Center


10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Human Resources
Computer Lab Open for Open Enrollment Assistance
Bldg. 51L

1 p.m.
Human Resources
New Employee Orientation
Bldg. 937-649

1:15 p.m.
EHS 735/738/739
Biosafety/Bloodborne Pathogen
Bldg. 51-201

3 p.m.
EHS 730
Medical/Biohazard Waste
Bldg. 51-201

4 p.m.
Life Sciences Division
DNA Damage Recognition in Chromatin: Role in Genomic Stability and Cancer
Andre Nussenqweig, National Cancer Institute
Bldg. 66 auditorium

4 p.m.
Physics Division
The Axion Dark-Matter Experiment: Recent Results and the High-Sensitivity Upgrade
Leslie Rosenberg
Bldg. 50A, Room 5132

Market Carvery: Chicken & Shrimp Gumbo with Rice
Fresh Grille: Hot Deli Meat Sub with Fries
Menutainment: Roasted Pork Loin with Ginger and Apples
Choice of Roasted Herb Lemon Chicken; Roasted Pork Loin with Ginger & Apples; or Hot Deli Meat Sub with Fries
B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Dinner: 5 - 7 p.m.
Full Menu

Culler is on ‘Top
50 Innovators’ List


David Culler, with the Lab’s Computational Research Division, is among the top 50 innovators of 2003 chosen by Scientific American magazine. The list includes individuals, teams and organizations whose accomplishments in research, business or policymaking during the past year demonstrated outstanding technological leadership. Culler was recognized for his innovative work on wireless sensor networks for military and environmental applications. Go here to read Robert Sanders’ UC Berkeley press release.

Lab Scientists Prominent At Supercomputing ‘03

In addition to his accolade from Scientific American (see story above), Lab scientist David Culler will provide one of the plenary talks at this year’s Supercomputing 2003 conference, now through Friday in Phoenix. The annual conference of high-performance computing will also feature technical presentations by Lab researchers Ji Qiang, Miguel Furman, Robert Ryne, Hongzhang Shan, Leonid Oliker, Phil Colella, Andrew Canning, Jonathan Carter, John Shalf, David Skinner, and Tushar Mohan. Culler’s Wednesday talk is entitled “State of the Field: Networking the Physical World.” Go here for more on the conference.


Another Bulb-Planting
Session Tomorrow

In order to capitalize on the clear weather conditions, the Green Team — a group of staff that works to improve the environment at the Lab — has scheduled another bulb-planting session for tomorrow. Participants should meet in the cafeteria at noon, and dress appropriately. Those who help plant will receive special prizes. For information, e-mail [email protected].

Policy Change:
Domestic Partners

Effective immediately, the Lab has added same and opposite sex domestic partners to RPM Section 2.01(E)(2) (Employment of Near Relatives). In addition, the procedure for requesting approval of employment of individuals in these relationships has been revised. Go here to read the updated policy.

Tech Transfer Seminar
To Show How It's Done

The Technology Transfer Department will present a 30-to-45-minute seminar on the technology transfer process — "Doing Science that Matters...and Makes Money" — on Wednesday at noon in the Building 66 conference room. Learn about Lab science that was successfully licensed and commercialized and how science can move forward along this path. Virginia de la Puente and Pam Seidenman will provide an overview of the technology transfer process, highlight successfully licensed technologies, and review the invention disclosure and evaluation processes. All employees are invited.


‘Science for Staff’
Talk is Tomorrow

Researcher J. Alexander Liddle will discuss nanofabrication at the Lab during the next “Science for Staff” event, tomorrow at 11 a.m. in Building 66-316. The lecture series is an opportunity for administrative and technical support employees to learn — in lay terms — about the research that takes place here.



Shank Discusses
the Lab’s Origins

Director Charles Shank spoke to employees recently about the beginnings of Berkeley Lab, as part of the ASD Academy’s newly launched series, “Science for Non Scientists.” During his lecture, Shank focused on the national and international significance of research using complex tools that were developed by the team science approach, and the impact science has on our view of the world. Go here to view Shank's presentation online, or check out a videocassette at the ASD Academy in Building 7C.


Partly cloudy. Highs in
the low 60s (17° C).

Weather icon

Extended Forecast

Throughout the month of November, employees can go here to donate to their favorite charity, through the Lab’s SHARES program.

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