8 a.m.
New Employee Orientation
50 Auditorium
4 p.m.
Physics Division RPM: Recent Run II Results at D0,
Marumi Kado, Berkeley Lab.
Building 50A, Room 5132
4 p.m.
Life Sciences Division Seminar
Regulation of Apoptosis and Differentiation by Genotoxic
Jean Wang, University of California, San Diego
Bldg 66 Auditorium
3 p.m.
ALS/CXRO Seminars in X-Ray Science & Technology
TBA. Brendan McLaughlin, Queen's University of Belfast
Building 6-2202
Soup: Vegetable w/Orzo
Origins: Enchiladas
Adobe Cafe: Taco Salad
Fresh Grille: Steak Sandwich
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Identification Invited
Lab Director Charles Shank has invited individuals
with a disability, special disabled veterans, Vietnam-era
veterans, recently separated veterans, and other qualified
veterans to self-identify as part of the federal mandate
for institutions to take affirmative action to hire and
promote those individuals. Submitting such information
is voluntary and will be kept confidential. Employees
who wish to accept the invitation can respond one of two
ways: by printing and filling out a form here,
or going on-line through employee self-service here.
Surveys are to be completed by June 13 and hard copies
may be sent to Human Resources, MS 937-0600. Questions
should be addressed to Harry Reed at 4130. To read Director
Shank's memo, go here.
Spacecraft Join To Solve Auroral Puzzle A
remarkable set of observations by five spacecraft orbiting
the Earth has led to a breakthrough in understanding
the origin of a peculiar and puzzling type of aurora.
Seen as bright spots in Earth's atmosphere and called
"dayside proton auroral spots," they were
first discovered by NASA's IMAGE spacecraft in 2000.
By combining observations made last year by the European
Space Agency's four Cluster spacecraft and IMAGE, a
team lead by UC Berkeley physicist Tai Phan has established
that the auroras occur when fractures appear in the
Earth's magnetic field, allowing particles emitted from
the sun to pass through and collide with molecules in
our atmosphere. Full
story. |
Lab Researchers
At Thomas Symposium
Light Source Division Director Daniel Chemla
and Materials Scientist Alex Pines will be among
those paying tribute to the late Iran Thomas of the
Department of Energy's Office of Science at a special
symposium Wednesday and Thursday. "BES Science
2018: A Future Retrospective" will be held at the
Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, Va., in honor
of Thomas, long-time Director in the Office of Basic
Energy Sciences who died on Feb. 28. Chemla will speak
at 9 a.m. Thursday on "Enabling BES Science: A
retrospective on the growth of BES science in materials
sciences, chemistry, and biosciences." Pines will
talk later, at 4:30 p.m., on "Imaging with Magnetic
Fields." Announcement, program and registration
details can be found here.
Berkeley Announces
Lifelong Learning Institute
Berkeley is establishing a new program for adults
50 and older that will allow them to enroll in classes
taught by retired faculty members free of homework
or exams. The program, which begins this fall, will
feature initial course offerings that range from
an examination of the American soul to a review
of new approaches to disease prevention. Most classes
will be held at UC Extension's headquarters in downtown
Berkeley. Emeriti faculty from UC Berkeley and scholars
from other Bay Area colleges and universities will
teach the non-credit courses. For more information,
go here. |