LBNL Emergency Amateur Radio Group 48-109
Computer Protection Brown Bag
A First Look at Windows Server 2003 Security
Jason Judkins, Lawrence Livermore
3 p.m.
ALS/CXRO Seminar
Characterization of Efficiency-Limiting Defects in Silicon-Based
Solar Cell Materials Using Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Techniques
Tonio Buonassisi, Materials Sciences
3 p.m.
Physical Biosciences Seminar
Alternative Role for Alternative Splicing: Gene Regulation
by Functional Coupling of Alternative Splicing and Nonsence-Mediated
mRNA Decay
Steven Brenner, Physical Biosciences
Calvin Seminar Room, campus
9:30 a.m
Advanced Light Source/SSG Lecture: Frontier of SR Science
& Instrumentation: Holographic imaging of atomic
structure, Part 2; Charles S. Fadley, UC Davis &
Materials Sciences Division
Bldg. 6-2202
Environmental Energy Technologies Division Seminars
Incentives in Water Management Reform: Assessing the
Effect on Water Use, Production and Poverty in the Yellow
River Basin, Jinixia Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing; Scott Rozelle, University of California, Davis
Bldg. 90-3148
New Dance Club Series
Bldg. 71-146U
4 p.m.
Life Sciences Division Seminar: Structure and Action
of Myosins and Kinesins: Variations on a Theme? Ronald
Milligan, Scripps Research Institute
Bldg 66 Auditorium
4 p.m.
Physics Division Research Progress Meeting: Gamma Ray
Bursts: an Enigma being Unraveled; Alvaro De Rujula
(Boston U. and CERN)
Building 50A-5132
Soup: Broccoli and Cheese
Origins: Veal Ragout
Adobe Cafe: Fettuccine
Fresh Grille: Crab Cakes
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Sciences Postdoc
Wins Cancer Grant
Chu, a postdoctoral researcher in the Life Sciences
Division, has been named the winner of a $97,800 prostate
cancer research award from the Department of Defense.
Chu was honored for her
research proposal, "Dietary Determinants of Prostate
Cancer." The competitive grant is a two-year traineeship
award presented annually by the Prostate Cancer Research
Program of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel
Command, DOD.
Report Profiles
Hansen's Pole Tales
Berkeley Lab scientist-engineer Tony Hansen and his
frequent research trips to Antarctica are featured in this
month's edition of the Engineering Division's "Significant
Events Report." The issue also includes a story on the
dedication of the Coherent Scattering Chamber at ALS Beamline
12.0.2 and a message from Division Director Jim Triplett on
how the division is coping with reductions in force. The on-line
newsletter, which highlights news and features from division
staff, can be read here.
of New Fizzer Worm
new Windows- targeting worm called Fizzer has
made its way into Lab computers. "Fizzer" not only
damages the computers systems, it also uses those infected
systems to install backdoor programs, including a mail engine
that sends infected messages to other machines. Fizzer
can also spread via KaZaA and chat channels. "We now
have reports from multiple Windows machines here at the Lab
indicating that Norton AV has detected and eradicated Fizzer,
says Gene Schultz of the Labs Computer Protection Program.
Notify your system administrators to update the anti-virus
software on Windows machines immediately. Go here
to get information concerning how to clean up a machine infected
by Fizzer. |
Threat Level
Rises to Secon 2
the country moved yesterday to a national threat level
of orange --high risk of a terrorist attack -- Berkeley
Lab moved its own security condition (Secon) to Level
2. This means emergency personnel have been put on alert,
security patrols will be increased, identification at
the gates will have to be verified with parking permit
or employment badge, and random vehicle inspections
will be conducted. The Office of Homeland Security's
announcement yesterday can be read here. |
Policy Changes
Posted for Comment The
Laboratory proposes to modify several of its personnel
policies to clarify language in several areas,
delete provisions that are no longer applicable,
and conform to recent changes in the law. A summary
of these changes may be found here
with links to each of the proposed changes. These
changes affect nonrepresented employees only.
Represented employees should review their union
agreements or contact their union representatives
for information regarding their situation. Those
who wish to comment on these changes must do so
by e-mail or in writing by June 20 to Mary Bishop,
Policies Analyst, at MS 937R0600, or [email protected]. |
To Be Offered June 12
to popular request, Berkeley Lab's Encryption Fundamentals
course will be offered again on June 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
in Bldg. 50B-4205. A description of the course can be found
There is no charge for attending, and employees can enroll
on-line here. |
Note Clarified
the traffic safety brochure distributed to employees yesterday,
reference was made to potential congestion due to the movement
of truckloads of dirt at the proposed Molecular Foundry. Though
excavation for the building will involve a significant amount
of soil, all of that soil will remain and be re-used on-site. |