Road N
next to Buildings 6 and 37 will be closed to traffic (except
emergency vehicles) today due to construction activities for
the Building 6 Southside Expansion project. Traffic to the
Building 80 parking lot will be rerouted to Road N1. Parking
spaces along Road N1 will be barricaded to allow two-way traffic.
Pedestrian traffic will not be allowed through the work area.
In addition,
the contractor for the Site Wide Water Project will have a
road closure in effect tomorrow through Friday from 6 a.m.
to 5 p.m. The N driveway along the south side and west end
of Building 10 to Building 80 will be closed. The N parking
lot in front of Building 80 and Building 2 will not be accessible
during these three days. The road closure at Building 6 will
be opened up Wednesday morning to give building occupants
parking. Orange parking spaces will be designated in temporary
spots. For more information, call Sam Birky at 7932,
pager 448-6387, or cell 708-6028.