Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Friday, March 21, 2003
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Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, Emissions, Concentrations, and Exposures:
Shifting Paradigms in Air Quality Engineering, William W. Nazaroff, UCB
Room 240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Environmental Energy Technologies Division Seminar, Alternative Energy Technologies in Asia: Achievements and Outlook for the World Bank's Asia Alternative Energy Program, Grayson Heffner, Worldbank Organization
Building 90, Room 3148

1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Louis Komzsik, SIAM visiting lecturer and Chief Numerical Analyst, Schaeffer Automated Simulation. How far can we go with the Lanczos method?
Building 50A-5132

Cafeteria header graphic

Soup: Clam Chowder
Origins: Morrocan Chicken
Adobe Cafe: Burritos
Fresh Grille: Salmon
B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full Menu

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Mostly sunny

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Extended Forecast

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SECON level 2

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Great Site for Windows

Drivers and bus riders may be curious about a wood frame structure under construction in parking lot M1, just across Chamberlain Road from Building 71. The building with the great view will be a new advanced window testing facility for the Environmental Energy Technologies Division. It will be used to test advanced energy-efficient windows systems, including electrochromic windows and shading systems under controlled environmental conditions. The facility should be completed by early May.
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Power Line Switch
Scheduled for Sunday

A 12kV power switch is scheduled for Sunday to isolate the "feeder" electrical line to the Lawrence Hall of Science and other campus buildings above the lab. It is highly unlikely that this operation will affect power in the Lab community. However, the possibility of an electrical power interruption always exists. The switching operation will start at about 7 a.m. and conclude shortly thereafter. Prior to switching, a public announcement will be made. For questions or additional information, contact Jim Murphy at 4175 or Mahesh Gupta at 5220.

Image of Richard Arri  
Image of Lauretta Corsair

Arri, Corsair Named To Top Finance Positions

Berkeley Lab Chief Financial Officer Bill Wasson has selected two of his top managers from the internal ranks -- Richard Arri, who becomes the Lab's first Chief Procurement Officer, and Lauretta Corsair, named Financial Systems Manager. Arri has been with the lab for 25 years, Corsair for over 5 years. In making the announcement, Wasson cited both their skills and experience. Arri will be responsible for ensuring timely and cost-effective procurement processes within UC and DOE guidelines, and Corsair for all systems projects in the Financial Services Department.

In the News header graphic
Science Essay Discusses
Quantum Computing Test

Image of John Clarke
Berkeley Lab physicist John Clarke of the Materials Sciences Division, a leading authority on SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interferance Devices), is featured this week as author of a perspective article in Science Magazine. He discusses new experimental results that hold promise for the development of solid-state quantum computing. The study, which was carried out by a team of Dutch and Japanese scientists, demonstrates the potential of a micron-size superconducting ring containing three Josephson junctions to serve as storage bits in a future quantum computer. Full article.
  Published by the Berkeley Lab Communications Dept. and TEID
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