Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate
Thursday, March 13, 2003
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9 - 11 a.m.
EHS 123: Adult Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
Building 48-109

Full EH&S class schedule

4 p.m.
Physics Division Research Progress, Double Beta Decay: is the Neutrino Mass within Reach? Steven Elliott (LANL)
Building 50A, Room 5132


10:30 a.m.
SEMINAR: Center for Beam Physics, Perturbation Expansion for High-Gain FEL Saturation, Sam Krinsky, SLAC, Refreshments served at
10:20 a.m.
Building 71-264, Albert Ghiorso conference room

SEMINAR: Environmental Engineering Seminar Series,TBA, Hoshin Gupta,
Univ. of Arizona
Hudson Room, 240 Bechtel, Engineering Center

Cafeteria header graphic

Soup: Broccoli Cheese
Origins: Lasagna
Adobe Cafe: Fried Chicken

Fresh Grille: Hot Pastrami Sandwich
B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full Menu

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Mostly cloudy

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Personnel Actions Cited
At Hearing on Los Alamos

  Image of the US Capitol
As former Los Alamos National Laboratory officials answered pointed questions from Congressmen on failed business and executive practices, the University of California announced at a Washington hearing yesterday new developments that include settlement agreements reached with ex-security division and audit managers at Los Alamos. Other personnel actions are forthcoming. The University's report to lab employees following the hearing, and Senior Vice President Bruce Darling's testimony, can be read here.

Image of Mark Biggin

Shank Appoints Members Of New Diversity Council

Laboratory Director Charles Shank has announced membership in the new Best Practices Diversity Council, including the Council's first chair, staff scientist  Mark Biggin of the Life Sciences Division. "The Diversity Council will provide a forum in which effective diversity strategies can be shared and discussed broadly across our Laboratory," Shank said. "I am seeking 'best practices' which can open up new ways of enhancing the diversity of our workplace." A full list and a recent Currents story on the new council can be read here.

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Barrage of Meteors May Have Doomed Dinosaurs
By Kenneth Chang

Scientists are arguing again over the idea that the combination of cataclysms that doomed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago — titanic volcanic eruptions in India and a meteor impact off the coast of Mexico — may not have been a coincidence after all. ...Researchers at University College London are suggesting that the Indian lava flows are the impact site of an earlier, larger meteor, and that evidence of the impact was submerged by upwelling lava... Dr. Richard A. Muller, a professor of physics at UC Berkeley and scientist at Berkeley Lab, has proposed an even more novel mechanism of how a meteor could set off volcanoes: avalanches deep inside the planet. Full Story.

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Employees Cautioned
On Conflicts of Interest

The Laboratory is bound by a variety of conflict-of-interest and ethics policies through DOE contract, state law or University regulations. Relevant employee activities include consulting and other outside employment, business ownership, and the use of Berkeley Lab facilities, tools, supplies, materials, and equipment. Failure to comply with the policies could result in disciplinary action by the Laboratory and prosecution under state law. Questions concerning potential conflicts of interest should be addressed to the employee's supervisor, division director, Laboratory Counsel or the Laboratory Conflict- of-Interest Coordinator. Click on the following links to review policies on: Conflict of Interest, outside business activities, ownership or management interest in potential vendors, acceptance of gifts or favors, employment of near relatives, privileged information, use of laboratory property and supplies, self-disqualification, and research project investigators.

  Published by the Berkeley Lab Communications Dept. and TEID
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