11 a.m. - noon
EHS 535: Hot Work Permit Training
5:30 p.m.
LECTURE: Friends of Science, Control of Nanocrystal
Shape Boosts Efficiency of New Hybrid Solar Cells,
Paul Alivisatos, Materials Sciences. Perseverance Hall
5:45 p.m.
SEMINAR: Oppenheimer Lecture in Physics,The Role
of Symmetries in Nature,
Bruno Zumino, UCB
George Pimentel Hall
9 a.m.
ESG/SSG MEETING: The New fsec Linac X-Ray Source
at the ALS, John Corlett
Building 2, Room 100B
4 p.m.
SEMINAR: Life Sciences Division, TBA, Anthony
Bretscher, Cornell University
Building 66 Auditorium
Soup: Chicken Noodle
Origins: Tarragon Chicken
Adobe Cafe: Chile Verde
Fresh Grille: Beef Tacos
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Partly cloudy

NERSC Deploys 10-teraflop/s Supercomputer,
Most Powerful Unclassified System in Nation
The National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC)
Center, funded by DOEs Office of Science, put its 10
teraflop/s (10 trillion calculations per second) IBM RS/6000
SP supercomputer into service last week, providing more than
2,000 researchers across the country with the most powerful
computer for unclassified research in the United States. The
IBM SP supercomputer, which comprises 6,656 processors, entered
production a month ahead of schedule, meaning that the system
will provide up to 4 million more processor hours of computing
time in the current fiscal year. Read the full story here.
Bear Is New Deputy In Facilities
Facilities Division Director George Reyes has announced the
appointment of Guy Bear as Deputy Director of the Facilities
Division. Guy has served as interim deputy director since
last September, supporting the transition of Facilities from
departmental to divisional status and managing the Projects
group. His new management duties will focus on budget, human
resources and other administrative areas, as well as addressing
issues on a division-wide basis.

Oracle Calendar Offers Major Enhancements
much-improved central calendaring program with several attractive
new user features is now available for download from the Information
Technologies and Services Division. The new Oracle Calendar
for the Labs scheduling system is an upgrade from the
Netscape Calendar program and is compatible with it. Enhancements
include e-mail meeting reminders, custom color schemes, and
multi-window switching. More information can be found here.
N next to Buildings 6 and 37 will be closed to traffic (except
emergency vehicles) today through Friday due to construction
activities for the Building 6 Southside Expansion project.
Traffic to the Building 80 parking lot will be rerouted to
Road N1. Parking spaces along Road N1 will be barricaded to
allow two-way traffic, and pedestrian traffic will not be
allowed through the work area.