8:30 a.m.
EHS 62
MoveSMART training
9 a.m.
Travel Power training
1 p.m.
EHS 62
MoveSMART training
6:30 9 p.m.
Public Scoping Meeting for Building 49 EIR
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Ave.
Market Carvery: Roasted Turkey Breast
Fresh Grille: Chicken Sandwich w/Cheese
Spinach Fettucini
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Monte, EETD Join In Energy Saving Demonstration
processing is the third largest user of utility-provided energy
in California. Del Monte Foods, in collaboration with Aimee
McKane and Anthony Radspieler of Berkeley Labs
Environmental Energy Technologies Division, has received an
award from the California Energy Commission to demonstrate the
use of waste heat-driven refrigeration technology in cooling
operations in fruit and vegetable processing. A software-based
methodology will also be developed to assess opportunities for
replicating this technology application at other food plant
sites in California, where the multiple benefits of cost and
energy savings along with waste minimization could be realized. |
on Exercise:
The More the Better
Shari Rudavsky
you work out, you may have to do mental gymnastics to
determine how much exercise is enough. Government guidelines
recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise -- enough
to increase your heart rate but not make you breathless
-- on all or most days of the week. But some insist
these recommendations are too lenient. "The message
has to be the more the better," said Paul T.
Williams, a scientist at Berkeley Lab who has studied
the effects of running on the body. "I think it
sends the wrong message to be saying maybe you dont
need to be doing all that much." Full
Available for Viewing
Lab Director Charles Shank’s annual State-of-the-Laboratory
lecture last Thursday is available for viewing by those
who were unable to attend or log on during the talk.
Those wishing to view both speaker and slides via the
Internet should go here
and click on "online presentations" in the
left index. Then click on the State of the Laboratory
presentation. Javascript and RealPlayer are required,
and the Virage software works best with the Microsoft
Explorer browser. Standard videotapes of the talk are
also available for loan from the library in Building
50. And the July 9 issue of Currents will include
a summary of the address. |
49 Conceptual Design |
Meeting Tonight
On Building 49 EIR
public meeting will be held tonight at the North
Berkeley Senior Center to invite comments on the
scope of the Environmental Impact Report that
will be prepared on a proposed new office building
dubbed "Building 49" at
Berkeley Lab. The scoping meeting will be held
from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the center, located at
1901 Hearst Avenue. Copies of the Notice of Preparation
for the project, which includes the building description
and an initial environmental study, can be seen
at the Laboratory library in Building 50 or via
the Internet here.
Fun Discounts
Available to Employees
who are planning Disneyland vacations can find
out about discount packages here.
or in brochures available in the cafeteria lobby.
For discount tickets to Six Flags Marine World
visit the cafeteria lobby on Tuesdays from noon
to 12:30 p.m. Employees in Building 937 should
contact Arabella Dolino at 4012. The offers
are sponsored by the Employee Activities Association.
For more information, contact Lisa Cordova
at 5521.
Gives Guidance On Whistleblowing
University of California has released guidelines
on the reporting of suspected improper activities
generally known as "whistleblowing"
and reminds employees of legal protections
against retaliation. Several methods are available
to employees for reporting such activities, including
anonymous phone contacts, which can be found on
the factsheet posted here.