Car Show
And Barbecue Today
miss the annual First Day of Summer celebration, happening
today from 11:30 1:00 on the Cafeteria parking lot
and lawn. Come and see classic cars and listen to the
sounds of the Rhythm and Blues Band. Barbecues will be
set up on the patio, and the Cafeteria will be offering
a special lunch of a hotdog or cheeseburger and 20 oz.
Coke for the low price of $2.95. Remember, be there or
be square! |
Report Hottest,
Densest Matter Ever Observed
By Kenneth Chang Experiments
at the Brookhaven National Laboratory have created the
hottest, densest matter ever observed, recreating conditions
a fraction of a second after the birth of the universe.
The ultradense matter will help scientists understand
the makeup of the universe a few millionths of a second
after the Big Bang and will cast light on the fundamental
forces that hold atomic matter together. "We're
creating matter that is tremendously denser," said
Dr. Peter Jacobs, a physicist at Berkeley Lab,
who presented findings from a RHIC detector. "It
makes no sense to talk about individual protons and
neutrons." Full
story. |
Ask ‘Today…’:
What’s Your Deadline?
items to be submitted for inclusion in “Today at
Berkeley Lab” should be received at least 48 hours
before publication. Late items should be sent as soon
as possible, and in any case before 8:00 a.m. on the day
of publication. Most issues begin distribution at 9 a.m.
Send calendar and information items to [email protected]

Recognized For
Blood Drive Donations
American Red Cross recognized Berkeley Lab at a luncheon
on Tuesday for its support in generating 308 units of
blood for the community blood supply this year. The
Red Cross currently supplies about half of the Bay Areas
supply of blood and blood products. A single donation
may be separated into several products to help treat
up to 4 different patients. For more information about
how to donate blood through the Red Cross go
here. Berkeley Labs next blood drive will
take place August 6 and 7.
Catering Requests
Cafeteria is asking anyone who has submitted a
request for catering services for events that
have not yet taken place to resubmit their request.
Due to a changeover in management, the records
of past requests have been lost. For more information
contact the Cafeteria manager at 5357, or Bob
Berninzoni at 5576.
Exhibit on Forces
Opens This Weekend
an earthquake fault
in action |
festival weekend of family-oriented activities
and events will celebrate the opening of the Lawrence
Hall of Science's newest permanent exhibit, Forces
That Shape the Bay. The spectacular LHS
view is enhanced with telescopes; facilitator-led,
hands-on activities; and geologic marvels such
as a waterfall, erosion tables, earthquake and
plate tectonics simulators, and more. This permanent
outdoor exhibit will enable visitors to participate
in activities that show how the Bay was formed.
At the same time they can view the result of millions
of years of geologic, climatic, marine, and human
forces. See the weekend program here.