3 p.m.
Special Physical Chemistry
Seminar, Colors of Dark Light
Sir Michael Berry, University of Bristol
775 Tan Hall
4 p.m.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
Fractal Growth Patterns and Iterated Conformal Maps
Itamar Procaccia, Weizmann Institute of Science
775 Tan Hall
8 a.m 2 p.m.
Karats 14K Jewelry Sale
Cafeteria Lobby
9 a.m.
ESG/SSG Monthly Mtg.
CIRCE: New IR Source Proposed for the ALS
Michael Martin, ALS
Building 2-100B
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
NT Users Group Meeting
54-130 Perseverence Hall
4 p.m.
Life Sciences Division Seminar Series
Building 66 Auditorium
Soup: Garden Vegetable
Origins: Tomato Casserole
Adobe Cafe: Pot Roast
Fresh Grille: BBQ Chicken
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Now and
in the Future
By David Morgenstern
throughput rates swoop up a steepening curve, some users
are still having a hard time buying the notion that gigabit
speeds are on the cusp of becoming a consumer standard.
Get used to it: It's already time to start counting down
to 10-gigabit-per-second performance on entry-level computers
of the storage industry's expectations for next-generation
speed has focused on either 4-Gbps or recently 10-Gbps
flavors of Fibre Channel. "An incremental gain [in
performance] may not be worth the effort, but a gain of
an order of magnitude can always be justified," said
Michael Bennett, senior network engineer at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. He used 10GbE to interconnect
two large clusters of servers. Full
story. |
National Energy Group
Visits Lab Today |
Members of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient
Economy (ACEEE), in town for its national conference on
energy efficiency, will be treated to a special evening
of demonstrations, tours and displays at Berkeley Lab
this evening. The Labs lighting, thermal distribution,
and demand response, and commercial building programs
will be highlighted, beginning at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria.
See more conference information here.
Requests Ballot to Represent Administrative Professionals
University Professional and Technical Employees/
Communication Workers of America (UPTE/CWA), a labor
union/organization, has filed a petition for certification
with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) requesting
that it conduct a secret ballot election to decide if
it is the shared will of UC/Berkeley Lab Administrative
Professionals to be exclusively represented by UPTE.
Oddone Sports
Runaround T-shirt |
T-Shirt Design Contest The
Employees Activities Association (EAA) is once
again soliciting volunteers to submit designs
for this years Runaround T-Shirt. The deadline
for submission is Friday, July 11th. Artwork may
only be submitted by e-mail as JPEG or PDF digital
files and addressed to Angela Dawn at [email protected].
The selection will be made by July 16th. For more
information about EAA, please visit our website
TRiP Will
Close Doors In June
to budget cuts and operational constraints, the
Berkeley TRiP Commute Store will close its doors
on June 27. UC staff, faculty and students will
continue to be served by the Parking & Transportation
Department at their office at 2150 Kittredge Street
(at Oxford). Other transit pass vendors are located
at Andronicos Market, Safeway, and the Ecology
Center, or to AC Transits and BARTs
"Ticket by Mail" program. Full
story. |