11 a.m. - noon
EHS 274 Confined
Building 51-201
Health Services Seminar:
A Dermatological View of
Summer at Berkeley Lab, Dr.
Howard Maibach.
Building 50 auditorium
11 a.m.
Nuclear Science Division Colloquium
String Theory and Large-N QCD
Joe Polchinski, UC Santa Barbara
Perseverance Hall
3 p.m.
ALS/CXRO Seminar on X-Ray Science & Technology
Seeing Magnetism in a New Light: Ultrafast Optical Studies
of Magnetic Metals
Rob J. Hicken, University of Exeter, England
Conference Room 6-2202
Soup: Tomato Basil
Origins: Meatloaf
Adobe Cafe: Taco Salad
Fresh Grille: Cajun Sausage
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Keasling |
Simple Microbial
Factories for Antimalarial Drug
By combining genes from three separate organisms into
a single bacterial factory, UC Berkeley chemical engineers
have developed a simpler, less expensive way to make
an antimalaria "miracle" drug that is urgently
needed in Third World countries. The research, published
online June 1 in Nature Biotechnology, was conducted
by Jay Keasling, who is also a faculty scientist
in the Labs Physical Biosciences Division (PBD),
and Vincent Martin, also a staff scientist in
PBD. Full
Statement on LLNL
Security Management
Bruce B. Darling, University of California senior vice
president for university affairs and interim vice president
for laboratory management, issued the following statement
May 30 regarding new developments involving security
matters at Livermore Lab. We take these incidents
very seriously, and we are taking immediate and decisive
actions to address them
Darling said. (UC
is commissioning an independent external review of security
management at Livermore following the discovery that
an electronic key card went missing for several weeks
before being reported to upper management. The lab has
reprogrammed its electronic locks and reports no indications
of any actual security breaches as a result of either
the missing key card or a previously disclosed missing
key set. As was reported over the weekend, NNSA also
will be conducting a review of security at Livermore).
Biotech, Engineering
Dan Levy
biotech industry may be stalled in the test tube, but
that doesn't mean the university-industrial complex
is standing idle. UC Berkeley broke ground last Friday
on the $162 million Stanley Bioscience and Bioengineering
Facility, a humongous research and teaching building
scheduled to open in 2006. "We want to bring the
whole range of disciplines to the same work space for
this new science of quantitative biology," said
Berkeley Labs Graham Fleming, a chemistry
professor and director of Berkeley's Quantitative Biomedical
Research Institute, or QB3. Full

Distant Galaxies, News of a 'Stop-and-Go Universe'
John Noble Wilford
May 30 — New observations of exploding stars far
deeper in space, astronomers say, have produced strong
evidence that the proportions of the mysterious forces
dominating the universe have undergone radical change
over cosmic history.
findings, reported here at a meeting of the American
Astronomical Society, which ended Thursday, supported
the idea that once the universe was expanding at a decelerating
rate but then began accelerating within the last seven
billion years, scientists concluded.
new research by Dr. John Tonry, an astronomer at the
University of Hawaii, and another group led by Dr.
Saul Perlmutter of Berkeley Lab, confirmed the earlier
surprising discovery that the universe is indeed expanding
at an accelerating rate and has been for at least the
last 1.2 billion years. But four supernovas, almost
7 billion light-years away, appeared to exist at a time
the universe was slowing down, Dr. Tonry said. Full
Screening Seminar
At Noon Today
Services will present a brown bag seminar today
titled A Dermatological View of Summer at
Berkeley Lab. The event, which will be held
in the Building 50 Auditorium, will feature Dr.
Howard Maibach, a professor of dermatology at
UC San Francisco.