a.m. 1 p.m.
Badge, Parking Office Closed
9 a.m. 4 p.m.
Student Presentations
CSEE Summer Research Program
50 Auditorium
Center for Beam Physics Seminar
Energy Recovery at the Linear Collider: Novel Uses for
the Spent Beams
Market Carvery: Chicken Provencale
with Couscous
Fresh Grille: Sloppy Jose on Onion
Steak Caesar Salad
Origins: Sushi
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Budget Hits UC Hard; Fees
to Rise 30%, No New Salary Funding
2003-04 state budget adopted by the California Legislature will
lead to deep cuts in non-instructional programs at the University
of California, a 30 percent student fee increase, the UC system's
first instance of borrowing to cover regular operations since
the early 1990s, and a one-year delay in the opening of UC Merced.
The budget also provides no state funding for salary increases
for faculty and staff. In addition, facing a $38 billion state
budget deficit, the Legislature adopted language indicating
that the state will not provide funding the following year --
the 2004-05 fiscal year -- for any student enrollment growth,
employee salary increases, or other inflationary cost increases
at UC. Full
story. |
Named Champ
Of Energy Efficiency
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
named Berkeley Labs Aimee McKane one
of four Champions of Energy Efficiency for 2003
today in New York. The awards recognize leadership
and accomplishment in the energy efficiency field.
The citation honored McKane as a "leader in
facilitating the development of industrial market
transformation initiative partnerships, including
Compressed Air Challenge and the U.S. Department
of Energys Industrial Best Practices... She
has shown exceptional persistence and skill in bringing
together disparate market players, and hammering
out compromises that have truly transformed markets
towards greater energy efficiency." |
Catalog Goes Live
California Digital Librarys online Melvyl-T
catalog is now live, offering enhanced search,
display, and interlibrary loan options, plus updated
data on the 23 million books, journals, and other
holdings in the libraries of the 10 campuses of
the UC system, as well as Hastings School of Law,
the Center for Research Libraries, Berkeley Lab,
the California Academy of Sciences, the California
Historical Society, and the Graduate Theological
Union. The legacy Melvyl catalog will continue
operating until August. Melvyl-T is found here
and through the digital librarys website.
Find Fingerprint
In Tropopause Changes
team of scientists, including Michael Wehner
of Berkeley Labs Computational Research Division,
has determined that human-induced changes in ozone
and well-mixed greenhouse gases are the primary
drivers of recent changes in the height of the tropopause
that is, the boundary between the stratosphere
and troposphere. The team used the IBM SP supercomputer
at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing
Center (NERSC) for modeling their research, which
has also been reported on National Public Radio
and physicsweb.org. Their research report can be
read here. |