EHS 225
Forklift Training
Building 51-201
11:30 a.m.
Computing Sciences summer student seminars: Tour of the
NERSC Center, Oakland Scientific Facility.
Building 65 shuttle bus stop.
No events scheduled.
Market Carvery: Roast Leg of Lamb,
Rosemary Potatoes, Veggies
Fresh Grille: Atlantic Salmon, Basil
Butter Sauce, Fries or Slaw
Killer Burrito, Chicken or Pork
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Unveils Smart Energy Use Campaign
of Energy Spencer Abraham said Wednesday
that all Americans should practice smart
energy use as he launched the Department
of Energys public awareness campaign
to educate businesses, homeowners and consumers
on ways they can cut energy bills. With
lower-than-normal natural gas stocks and
higher demand for the popular energy source,
the department is kicking off its energy
awareness campaign with regional meetings
and events and public service announcements
to educate consumers on steps to save on
home, business and consumer energy costs
this year. Included in the new website is
Berkeley Labs home energy saver link
story. |
Appropriators Work On FYO4 Energy Bill
Energy and Water Development Appropriations
Subcommittee Chairman David Hobson (R-Ohio)
and his colleagues have completed work on
the FY 2004 Energy and Water Development
Appropriations bill. Hobson's bill will
go to the full committee early next week,
after which a report will be issued outlining
the committee's recommendations. As the
bill now stands, the science programs of
the Department of Energy's Office of Science
would receive an increase of 6.7%. In every
case the committee provided more funding
than that requested by the Bush Administration,
and, except in one instance, provided increases
over the current fiscal year. Full
story. |
Area Labs May
Win Tech Awards
Ian Hoffman
light that hammers metal, germ
warfare detectors and new drugs,
California scientists are poised
to nab several of the most coveted
prizes in technology. Eleven
of the 2003 R&D Magazine
100 awards, the "Oscars
of invention," will go
to federal labs here, according
to scientists notified in the
last two weeks. At Berkeley
Lab, one winner is software
almost 30 years in the making
that lets architects craft light-
and heat-efficient buildings.
At University of California-managed
Los Alamos lab in New Mexico,
it's a powerful supercomputing
cluster that can identify clouds
of suspicious chemicals from
a distance. Full
Fusion: Could It
Light Up Our Homes?
Bruce Lieberman
day in 2017, maybe 2020, an
international team of physicists
and engineers will inject hydrogen
gas into a massive vacuum chamber
and blast it with microwaves,
radio waves and intense beams
of high energy atoms. The hydrogen
will heat to 200 million degrees
or more - hotter than the center
of the sun. The hydrogen atoms,
split apart into free-moving
electrons and ions, will crash
into one another at 620 miles
per second. Compressed by powerful
magnets and heated to unimaginable
temperatures, the ions will
fuse. The reaction will release
a tremendous burst of heat,
enough to sustain the nuclear
fusion inside and herald a new
source of global energy. That
is the plan, anyway. Full
story. |
Scheduled for Monday
Monday Facilities will be switching all
Laboratory loads to Grizzly Substation Bank
2 while Bank 1 undergoes repairs. If repairs
require an additional day, the Laboratory
will remain on Bank 2 until Tuesday July
15. The procedures should be transparent
to the Laboratory Community. Although it
is highly unlikely that power will be interrupted,
the possibility of a power interruption
always exists so employees should take all
necessary precautions. A Hill-wide public
address announcement will be made prior
to switching. For additional information
please contact Jim Murphy at 4175
or Mahesh Gupta at 5220.
Design Contest
Deadline Extended
Employee Activities Association (EAA) has
extended the deadline for submitting T-shirt
designs for this year's Runaround to Friday,
July 18th. Take advantage of the opportunity
to have your creative design on every runner
participating in the October 10th event
this year. Art-work may only be submitted
by email as either JPEG or PDF digital files
and should be sent to Angela Dawn
at [email protected].
Pictures of previous years' T-shirts (1978
to 2001) can be seen on the Runaround website.
If you have submitted artwork in the past
and would like it to be reconsidered, contact
EAA. Previous entries are on file.