Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate
Tuesday, February 4, 2003
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10 a.m.
Life Sciences Postdoc Day

Perseverance Hall

Life Sciences Postdoc Day

Chromosomes: Better Packaged and More Integrity Than Your Average Politician
Douglas Koshland, Carnegie Institution of Washington
50 Auditorium

Environmental Energy Technologies Division
Modeling the Use of Electroactive Polymers for Overcharge Protection of Lithium Batteries
Karen Thomas, AETD, EETD
Building 90-3148

2 p.m.
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
The IMA: Mathematics and its Impact
Dr. Douglas Arnold, Institute for Mathematics and its Application


Red Cross logo

8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
70A-3377 (Seaborg
Conference Room)

Cafeteria header graphic

Soup: Veggie Tuscun
Origins: Mahi Mahi Skewers
Adobe Cafe: Taco Salad
Fresh Grille: Salmon Cakes

Full Menu

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Image of the 88-inch cyclotron

President's '04 Budget:
Foundry in, 88-inch out

It's still early, and President Bush's budget proposal for FY04 is only on paper right now. But in it, the prospects for Berkeley Lab are mixed. A mostly flat overall science budget announced yesterday includes welcomed funding for beginning construction of a new Molecular Foundry nanoscience building. But the plan also includes the recommended termination of the venerable 88-inch cyclotron.

Laboratory officials described the cyclotron news as "very disappointing" and unexpected. In the coming days, senior administrators will attempt to determine the reasons for such a decision. In the meantime, one of the few vestiges of the Laboratory's illustrious accelerator history faces an uncertain future. Full story.

World of Science header graphic

Scientific American logo

Our Galaxy's
Next Supernova?

Image of a Supernova

Astronomers have identified the best candidate yet for our galaxy'snext supernova explosion, according to a new report. Findings published in the February 1 issue of the Astrophysical Journal suggest that Rho Cassiopeiae, located 10,000 light-years away from earth, is most likely to run out of fuel and meet a violent fate in the near future.
Full story

Energy Numbers Include
$3.3 Billion for Science

Image of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham
Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham yesterday released the Department of Energy's Fiscal Year 2004 budget request to Congress, calling it a "good reflection on the Energy Department, its programs and its people." Abraham said that the $23.4 billion budget ($3.3 billion for science) demonstrates that the Administration and the Congress recognize the critical contribution the department makes to a peaceful and prosperous future by helping to secure our national security, our energy security, and our position as the world leader in science and technology. Full story.

Announcements header graphic

Vulnerability Analysis Tool for Macs is Available

Macintosh users can download a tool that finds security vulnerabilities in their system and provides information on how to fix them. More information and instructions can be found here.

Road Closure

Road closed image

Road S will be closed to through traffic tomorrow from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. to complete work on the Sitewide Water Project. Road S connects McMillan and Glaser Roads between Building 76 and the Grizzly Substation.

  Published by the Berkeley Lab Communications Dept. and TEID
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