The Red Storm Computer
Cray, Inc.
Building 50 Auditorium
ALS/CXRO Seminars in X-Ray Science & Technology:
Multifrequency FMR Study of FexPt1-x Nanoparticles
Magda Ulmeanu, U. Duisberg, Germany
Building 6, Room 2202
Life Sciences Division Distinguished Lecturer Series: Intracellular
Signaling: Communication Between the Endoplasmic Reticulum
and the Nucleus, Peter Walter, UCSF
Building 66 Auditorium
9 a.m.
Technical Talks, Undergraduate Research Group
Building 2, Room 100B
9:30 a.m.
ALS/CXRO Seminars in X-Ray Science & Technology: Holographic
Imaging of Atomic Structure: What Is It and Where Can It
Go?, Charles S. Fadley, UC Davis & Materials Science
Division, Berkeley Lab
Conference Room 6-2202
4 p.m.
Physics Research Progress Meeting
Rare Vector-Vector B Decays: a Laboratory for Strong
and Weak Dynamics, Andrei Gritsan
Building 50B, Room 4205
Team Will Discuss
‘Red Storm’ Supercomputer
A team from supercomputer manufacturer Cray Inc. will give a
presentation today on the new Red Storm computer being developed
with Sandia National Labs. The presentation will start at 10
a.m. in the Building 50 auditorium and is open to all interested
employees. Announced last October, Red Storm is expected to
have peak speed of 40 trillion calculations per second. Full
Soup: Mushroom Bisque
Origins: Roasted Turkey
Adobe Cafe: Spinach Quiche
Fresh Grille: Ham 'n Gruyere
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
service survey Full
Menu |
Say DOE Will
Seek Los Alamos Bidding
Associated Press
Energy Department will take competitive bids for the
contract to run Los Alamos National Laboratory for the
first time in the history of the nuclear weapons lab,
congressional sources said today. The decision, expected
to be announced by Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham
this afternoon, follows a string of high-profile management
breakdowns. Congressional aides familiar with the decision
said Abraham would announce that the contract would
be opened for bidding when it lapses in September 2005,
but would not be terminated early. Full
morning, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce's
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hold
the third in a series of hearings regarding Los Alamos.
Among those expected to testify are UC President Richard
Atkinson, Senior Vice President Bruce Darling, Auditor
Patrick Reed and Vice President Anne Broome. A live
web broadcast of the hearing beginning at 6:30 a.m.
can be accessed here. |
leaving Oak Ridge
For Top Post at Battelle
Madia |
Madia, director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and president
of UT-Battelle, announced he is leaving Tennessee and returning
to Battelle headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. Madia has been ORNL's
director since April, 2000, when the University of Tennessee
and Battelle were selected to manage the Department of Energy's
billion-dollar research laboratory in Oak Ridge. In his new
job Madia will manage all of Battelle's DOE business, which
includes, in addition to Oak Ridge, Battelle's Columbus laboratories
and three other national laboratories in New York, Colorado
and Washington. Full
story. |
for Stanley Project:
Excavation for Building
that the old building and site demolition is complete (photo),
the next step in the Stanley reconstruction project on campus
begins today, when excavation for the new structure and off-site
hauling begins. This effort, which is expected to slow traffic
around the area, will continue until about July 30. |
Outage Saturday
Will Affect Building 84
scheduled power outage affecting only Building 84 will take
place on Saturday from about 6 to 10 a.m. This outage will
complete installation of a power factor correction capacitor
bank on primary transformer bank 460. Take all necessary precautions.
A Hill-wide public address announcement will be made prior
to switching. For questions or additional information, contact
Bill Mattson at 4127 or Jim Murphy at 4175.
Semester Student
Technical Talks Tomorrow
spring semester undergraduate students who have been conducting
research around the Hill will be giving their technical talks
tomorrow beginning at 9 a.m. in Building 2, Conference Room
100. The talks are hosted by the Center for Science and Engineering
Education. View a full schedule of topics and speakers here.