8:15 a.m. 3 p.m.
Registration, Cafeteria
1:30 p.m.
Surface Science and Catalysis Seminar
"Bio-inspired Synthesis of Micropatterned, Oriented
Crystalline Materials"
Joanna Aizenberg, Lucent Technology
Building 66 Auditorium
4 p.m.
Graduate Research Conference
Aaron Van Tassle, graduate student with Graham Fleming
"Photoisomerization of the Green Fluorescent
Protein Chromophore"
120 Latimer Hall
6:30 p.m.
UC Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum
Anderson Auditorium, UCB
8 a.m noon
Building 26 Health Services
Appointments: x6266
10:30 AM
CBP Seminar: Optical stochastic cooling and its
application to RHIC, Max Zolotorev, CBP (Refreshments
served at 10:20 AM)
Albert Ghiorso conference room (71-264)
Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, Real-time
salinity management in the San Joaquin Basin - a innovative
approach to TMDL regulation, Nigel Quinn, Earth
Sciences Division
240 Bechtel Engineering Center, Hudson Room
1 2 p.m.
Scientific Computing Seminar: Automated Network
Management - The Search for the Holy Grail , Prof.
Joseph S. Sventek, Department of Computing Science,University
of Glasgow.
Building 50A, Room 5132
1:30 p.m.
Surface Science and Catalysis Seminar, Designed
Biomaterials, Joe Kennedy, University of Akron
Building 66 Auditorium
4 p.m.
Glenn T. Seaborg Lecture (sponsored by ExxonMobil),
Innocent and Non-innocent Ligands in d-Transition
Metal Complexes from a Computational Perspective,
Odile Eisenstein, Université Montpellier
120 Latimer Hall, Pitzer Aud.
Soup: Beef Barley
Origins: Eggplant Parmigiana
Adobe Cafe: Fried Chicken
Fresh Grille: Garden Burger
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
our online survey here.
Menu |
Rain likely

Forecast |
SECON level 3
Information |
Libraries Unveil
New Melvyl Catalog
California Digital Library yesterday rolled out the
new online Melvyl-T catalog, allowing library patrons
including Berkeley Labs library to search
a state-of-the-art catalog of the millions of books,
journals and other items held by the libraries of University
of California campuses. Melvyl-T has a new format and
design, offers users a variety of enhanced features,
and contains completely updated data for the holdings
of the UC system. All Berkeley Lab holdings, both books
and journals, are included in the catalog. Full
story. |
Doped Semiconductor
Makes a Fast Scintillator
cryogenic temperatures some semiconductors can convert ionizing
radiation into visible light with high efficiency and speed.
In cadmium sulphide, for example, electron-hole pairs produced
by ionizing radiation promptly form excitons with a radiative
decay time of about 0.2 ns. However, at room temperature almost
all of the holes are trapped on non-radiative centres, that
is, crystal defects and impurities. Now Stephen Derenzo,
Edith Bourret-Courchesne, Mattias Klintenberg and Marvin
Weber at Berkeley Lab have found that if one impurity is
added to trap the holes and another impurity is added to provide
an abundant supply of electrons, then bright fast scintillation
can occur at room temperature. They hope that their work will
lead to a new class of fast, luminous scintillators... Full
Story. |
and Sons Converge on Lab Today
180 youngsters between the ages of 9 and 15 will be attending
workshops on the Hill today as part of the national "Daughters
and Sons to Work Day." For the 10th consecutive year,
Lab employees will be giving talks and demonstration to
workers children and guests. Beginning with registration
at the cafeteria at 8:30 and concluding with an ice cream
social there at 2:30, the visitors will have fun learning
about the Lab and its programs. For a full schedule and
workshop descriptions, go here. |
Rates Today
reminder that special rates for automobile and homeowner/renter
insurance are available to eligible Lab employees through
A-PLUS Auto & Home Insurance. A-PLUS also offers employees
an option to make premium payments via a convenient payroll
deduction. A representative will be at the Lab today from
11:30 to 1:30 in the Cafeteria Lobby to answer questions about
special rates available. No obligation rate and coverage comparisons
are also available toll-free at 1-877-999-8952. |
to Consider
New Dinner Service
Lab is considering a dinner service in the Cafeteria for employees
working swing or late shifts, as well as those who might occasionally
want to bring a dinner home. Anyone interested in this service
has the opportunity to offer feedback by filling out the Cafeteria's
survey. |